
  • 网络expenditure management;spend management
  1. 规范财政支出管理提高财政资金使用效率

    Standardizing Fiscal Expenditure Management , Increasing Fiscal Funds Usage Efficiency

  2. 公共支出管理的工具是政府预算。

    The instrument of public expenditure management is government budget .

  3. 据支出管理公司Certify估计,在美国的主要城市中,Uber在商务旅行消费方面几乎已经超过出租车。

    According to one estimate by Certify , an expense management company , Uber has nearly overtaken taxis in major American cities in terms of expensed business travel .

  4. 关于完善东莞市财政支出管理的思考

    Some Thoughts on the Perfect of Dongguan 's Financial Expenditure Administration

  5. 国有资本经营预算的资本性支出管理探讨

    The Management of Capital Expenditures on State-owned Capital Operating Budget

  6. 关于加强政府财政支出管理以提升政府生产力的探讨

    On productivity of government based on management of financial expenditure

  7. 支出管理亟等完善。

    The management of expenditure is needed to be improved .

  8. 财政预算支出管理系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Financial Capital Budgeting System

  9. 加强财务支出管理是深化部门预算改革的关键

    To Strengthen Financial Expenditure Management Is the Key for Deepening Departmental Budget Reform

  10. 财政支出管理体制改革浅论

    Discussion of the Reform of the Financial Expenditure Management

  11. 治理项目将注重省级政府公共支出管理。

    Governance projects will focus on public expenditure management in the provincial governments .

  12. 政府采购是我国财政支出管理改革的重要组成部分之一。

    Government procurement is one important part of reforms of finance expenditure management .

  13. 国外财政预算支出管理中的内部控制与审计监督

    Inside Control and Auditing Supervision in the Management of Foreign Financial Expenditure Budget

  14. 地方公共支出管理是公共财政管理研究的一个重要领域。

    Local public expenditure management is an important area of public financial management .

  15. 创新财政支出管理机制的思考

    Reflecting on the Innovation of Expenditure Management Mechanism

  16. 改革财政管理体制,强化支出管理与监督。

    Reform the public finance management system , enhance the expenditure management and inspect .

  17. 借鉴国际经验加强与改进税式支出管理

    On Enforcement and Improvement of Management of Expenditure of Tax Based on International Practice

  18. 我国公共支出管理若干重大理论政策问题研究

    Research on Key Issues of Theory and Policy of Public Expenditure Management in China

  19. 文章就是在此背景下展开对财政基本建设支出管理问题的研究。

    In this background , the article expands research on public expenditure of basic construction .

  20. 论公共支出管理改革

    Discussions on Reform of Managing Public Expenditure

  21. 加快完善税收立法,特别是税式支出管理法;

    Speeding up improving our tax legislation , especially for law of expenditure in tax ;

  22. 随着财政支出管理改革的深入,一些深层次的问题开始出现。

    However , some profound questions begin to arise with the deepening of expenditure reform .

  23. 政府采购是国家公共支出管理的一项重要制度。

    Government purchase is an important system for the management of public cost of the nation .

  24. 随着医保面的扩大,暴露出医保支出管理方面的深层次问题。

    The issues of social medical insurance funds payment management were disclosed with the coverage widening .

  25. 强化公务支出管理,深化公务卡管理改革。

    The reform to require payment of official business expenses with credit cards will be deepened .

  26. 政府采购制度是财政支出管理方式的一种全新改革。

    The system of government purchase is a thorough reform on the pattern of expenditure management .

  27. 政府采购是加强财政支出管理,建立公共财政的一项重要内容。

    Government procurement is one of important parts on strengthening fiscal expenditure management and establishing public finance .

  28. 税式支出管理研究

    Tax Expenditure Management Research

  29. 财政支出管理制度不健全的问题,都极大地制约着财政职能的充分发挥,也直接影响着经济社会各项事业的发展。

    All these greatly condition the financial function , and directly affect the development of economy and society .

  30. 开展公共财政绩效评估是加强财政监督、提高公共财政支出管理决策水平的重要举措。

    Evaluating financial expenditure performance is an important measure to strengthen financial supervision and to promote ability of decision making .