
  • 网络Tax Structure
  1. WTO是独立于联合国的永久性国际组织,中国加入WTO组织带来了税收结构的深刻变化。

    WTO is a permanent international organization independent from the UN , and entering WTO of China has brought great changes to tax structure .

  2. 中国的经济增长、需求约束与税收结构

    Economic Growth , Demand Restriction and Tax Structure in China

  3. 持续经济增长目标下的最优税负和税收结构调整

    Optimal tax burden and tax structure adjustment with sustained economic growth

  4. 银行家们倡导对其更为有利的税收结构,随心所欲地解读会计准则。

    Bankers advocate aggressive tax structures and liberally interpret accounting rules .

  5. 这些变化对唐代农村生活、城乡经济以及国家税收结构等等都具有划时代的意义。

    This change had in important significance on economy of the time .

  6. 税制优化一般包括税收结构的优化和税收征管的优化。

    Tax system optimization includes the tax structure and tax collection and management optimization .

  7. 税收结构与经济增长的实证分析&兼论我国的最优直接税/间接税结构

    Positive analysis of tax structure and economic growth

  8. 结合了公司的法律责任的保障和自由通过税收结构的伙伴关系。

    Combines a corporation 's liability protection and pass-through tax structure of a partnership .

  9. 但他们只需要研究复杂的税收结构,或无先例的诉讼过程。

    They 're going to be needed for complex tax structuring , for pathbreaking litigation .

  10. 在经济因素方面可以看到,不同的经济发展水平下有着不同的税收结构。

    We can see in the factor of economic , different levels of economic development have different tax structures .

  11. 通过实证研究发现,在税收结构中,流转税(间接税)比重的增加对投资增长有激励作用,而对边际消费倾向没有显著影响;

    Empirical study found circulation tax ( indirect taxation ) proportion increased in tax structure can inspirit investment and restrain consumption .

  12. 税收结构是指在一个税收体系中的税种组成以及各税种的比例和相对低位。

    Tax structure is the composition of the tax system , the proportion of taxes and the relatively low of each tax .

  13. 政府和国会最早可能在明年开始,认真考虑对税收结构进行大范围修改。

    As early as next year , the administration and Congress could start serious consideration of broad changes to the tax structure .

  14. 纵观世界遗产税,其在税收结构中的比重不大,约占税收总收入的1%-2%。

    Throughout the world , and their inheritance tax structure in the proportion of the tax revenue , accounts for about 1 % - 2 % .

  15. 本文的创新之处在于从经济增长、收入分配、政府收入弹性三个方面综合研究税收结构的效应。

    The innovation of this paper lies in the effect of tax structure in three aspects of economic growth , income distribution and government revenue elasticity .

  16. 第四章总结近年来收入分配变化趋势和现状,对比中国现行税收结构与收入分配的相互关系,通过实证检验,分析了五类税种对收入分配的影响情况。

    The fourth chapter summarizes recent trends and current situation of the income distribution , and gives a contrast between current tax structure and income distribution .

  17. 在区域经济一体化过程中,这种竞争产生的不合理的税收结构使关税同盟理论中所论述的贸易创造效应受到限制。

    In the process of region economic integration , the irrational tax revenue structure leads to restricting the effect of trade creation described in the theory of tariff alliance .

  18. 为了明确免征农业税与农用地利用的关系,采用文献资料法和归纳分析法研究免征农业税对农用土地的影响&改变土地税收结构和农用土地收益分配结构。

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the policy about abolishing agricultural taxation on agricultural land . Methods of documents , practice and induction are applied .

  19. 通过理论和实证的分析,笔者认为税收结构的效应不仅仅局限于某一方面,而是对整个经济社会都有重大影响。

    Through the theoretical and empirical analysis , I think that the effect of tax structure is not limited on one aspect , they have a great impact on the economic and social .

  20. 主要内容:包括外国开征的税种及其征收方法,外国的税收结构,外国的税收负担外国的税收优惠,外国的税收管辖权,外国的税收管理制度。

    Main contents : the course introduces foreign taxes and their imposition methods , foreign tax structure , foreign tax burden , foreign tax preferences , foreign tax jurisdiction and foreign tax administration system .

  21. 最好的做法是,一旦经济扎实地走上复苏轨道,就让小布什政府的减税措施到期自动废止,并回归比尔克林顿任内的税收结构。

    The best thing to do , once the economic recovery is solidly under way , is to simply let the Bush tax cuts expire and return to the tax structure that prevailed under Bill Clinton .

  22. 各国都在根据自身的发展变化不断地完善和修正税收结构,以期制定符合本国国情的税收结构模式从而发挥国家的税收功能。

    Countries in the world are based on their own development and changes constantly improving and modifying their tax structure . In order to make tax structure mode conforms to our country national condition Play the national tax function .

  23. 没有两个国家有着完全相同的税收结构,纵观世界各国的税收结构变化历程,可以发现在随着经济的发展、社会的进步,各国的税收结构多多少少都在改变。

    There is no country have identical tax structure , Throughout the history of the world changes in tax structure , we can find that with economic development and the social progress , each states ' tax structure has changed .

  24. 本文在经济因素中重点提出来开放性对税收结构的影响,用货物和服务进口额占国内生产总值的份额(M/Y)来代表一国开放度来研究开放性与税收结构的关系。

    In economic factor Emphasis is put on the effect of open tax structure , use goods and services imports accounted for the share of GDP to represent a country " open degree " to study on the relationship between openness and tax structure .

  25. 第一步应承认,投资界的某些税收结构比如减轻了私人股本人士税负的附带权益规则在非金融人士看来即便不是极其恶劣的,也是特殊的。

    One place to start would be to recognise that some of the tax structures in the investment world such as the carried interest rule that lightens the tax burden on private equity players look peculiar , if not egregious , to most non-financiers .

  26. 税收结构是国家参与国内生产总值分配的结果,其合理完善与否,不仅关系到政府是否能够取得足额的财政收入,而且直接影响着整个国民经济的运行发展。

    Countries to participate in the tax structure is the result of distribution of GDP , its reasonable and perfect or not , not only to whether the Government can obtain the full amount of the revenue , but also directly affect the entire national economy development .

  27. 我们需要建立一种鼓励长期投资的税收结构:因此符合长期资本利得税待遇的投资的持有期应从目前的12个月延长到3年,随着投资持有期的延长,税率应下滑。

    We need a tax structure that encourages long-term investment : so the holding period for an investment to qualify for long-term capital gains tax treatment should be extended to three years , from the current 12 months , and the rate should decline the longer the investment is held .

  28. 从税收产业结构来说,广西产业税负结构是不尽合理的。广西第一产业税收贡献几乎趋于零;第二产业税收贡献略有波动,缓慢下降;第三产业税收贡献略有波动,缓慢上升。

    The tax industry structure is not quite reasonable in Guangxi whose primary tax tends to zero ; second industry tax slowly decline in fluctuations and the third industry slowly increase in fluctuations .

  29. 论唐代税收体系和结构的发展变化

    The Development of Tax System and Structure in the Tang Dynasty

  30. 税收和合作结构也存在不确定性。

    Uncertainty also surrounds the taxation and structure of partnerships .