
  • 网络tax department;tax ministry
  1. “我觉得自己像一只猴子……在笼子里,人们走过了,只是盯着我。”在他的办公桌工作时,前税务部员工偶尔看一眼路人,希望有一个积极的反应,他说。

    I feel like a monkey ... in a cage as people walk by and just stare at me , " the former tax ministry employee said while working at his desk and occasionally glancing at passersby hoping for a positive reaction .

  2. 我觉得自己像一只猴子在笼子里,人们走过了,只是盯着我。在他的办公桌工作时,前税务部员工偶尔看一眼路人,希望有一个积极的反应,他说。

    I feel like a monkey * in a cage as people walk by and just stare at me , the former tax ministry employee said while working at his desk and occasionally glancing at passersby hoping for a positive reaction .

  3. 约翰•怀廷(JohnWhiting)已经升到了普华永道(PwC)税务部合伙人的职位,并且会定期参加财务类电视节目,但他仍自认为是一个性格内向的人,社交场合让他很不自在。

    John Whiting has risen to the rank of tax partner at PwC and takes part in regular TV broadcasts on financial matters , but he is also a self-confessed introvert who finds social situations deeply uncomfortable .

  4. 新华社报道称,丹麦税务部部长波尔森(TroelsLundPoulsen)在周日的揭幕仪式上表示,把小美人鱼雕像带到上海是为了表达丹麦对中国的尊敬。

    Xinhua news agency reported that Denmark 's Minister of Taxation Troels Lund Poulsen said at a ceremony to unveil the statue Sunday that the mermaid had been brought to Shanghai to show his country 's dedication to China .

  5. 纽约州税务部。

    A : To the New York State Department of Taxation .

  6. 你把税务部的事情处理好了?

    Well , you getting things in shape for the Treasury boys ?

  7. 本职位是一个内部客户服务职位,服务的对象是德勤中国税务部。

    The role is an Internal Client Service role , the client being Deloitte China Tax .

  8. 本职位最主要的职能是对于整个中国税务部知识基地的执行工作。

    The priority project that this role will be focused on initially is the implementation of the China Tax Knoweldgebase .

  9. 关税及国产税务部部长约翰·希利表示,确实迫切需要对海关系统合法性问题做出反应。

    The minister in charge of Customs and Excise , John Healey , accepts that there is an urgent need to respond to questions about the " legitimacy " of the Customs regime .

  10. 他说,关于财政和税务部主办的‘皇家花卉’杂志,一直未有决定由是否会转化成一份日报。

    He said there has been no decision yet with regard to the Royal Flower Journal , run by the Ministry of Finance and Revenue , on whether it will be transformed into a daily newspaper .

  11. 加强税收立法规范,强化税务行政内外部监督机制,促进税务机关执法规范化建设。

    We should strengthen the standardization on tax legislation and enforce internal and external surveillance mechanism to promote the construction of standardization on tax office enforcement in our country .

  12. 国家税务委员会(财政部)管理人员报价,收税和执行规定。财务管理司(财务司)

    National Tax Board ( Ministry of Finance ) administers billing , collection , and enforcement .

  13. 对此,由财政部、国家税务总局和环保部三部委拟定的环境税方案初步成型。

    Scheme of environmental tax already initially took shape designed by Ministry of Finance , State Taxation Administration and Ministry of Environmental Protection .

  14. 奖励资金具体使用办法以及奖励标准,由国家税务总局会同财政部制定。

    The specific measures and standard for the use of award-funds shall be formulated by the State Administration of Taxation jointly with the Ministry of Finance .

  15. 截止至2007年10月,国家税务总局和财政部共批准了10省市为房地产模拟评税试点地区,物业税开始了空转运行。

    As of October 2007 , the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Finance approved a total of 10 provincial municipal real estate tax assessment simulation pilot areas , Start a simulation run property tax .

  16. 柬埔寨当局在该区成立了包括税务局、商务部和省政府办公室在内的多种政府部门的办事处,提供更高效的政府服务。

    To attract more investment , Cambodian authorities have established offices for various government departments on the site , including the customs bureau , the ministry of commerce , and a provincial government office to provide more efficient government services .

  17. 这些裁定显示,即使是省级税务局也已开始提防税务体系可能遭到滥用,普华永道大中华区税务部合伙人傅振煌(DannyPo)表示。

    These rulings show that even provincial tax authorities have become alert to potential abuses of the tax system , said Danny Po , greater China tax partner for PwC .