
shuì piào
  • tax receipt
  1. 普通税票出无漏掉,大大诀窍实睹效。

    The ordinary tax receipt does not leave out , the small knack is really effective .

  2. 为此,一些地区尝试开发了横向联网系统,一定程度上减轻了工作量,提高了税款入库速度,实现了税票信息的电子化处理。

    Therefore , some districts attempted to develop transverse networking system , reducing the load of work to an extent , improving the process of pay-in-treasury , and realizing the electrical processing of tax receipt information .

  3. EDAPS公司提供具有显性安全标志(如全息图)的电子税票。

    EDAPS offers Digital Tax Stamps but with overt security ( such as holograms ) .

  4. 以上参考价格不含增值税票。

    The reference above does not contain the VAT receipt .

  5. 印花税票为有价证券。

    Stamp duty ticket is negotiable securities .

  6. 但奥巴马总统已经对众议院的税票表示反对,在法治的基础上。

    But President Obama has signaled opposition to the House 's tax bill on constitutional grounds .

  7. 花生果仁、油画、雕饰板、邮票、印花税票等。

    Peanut kernels , canvas , decorative carved boards , postage stamps , duty stamps , etc.

  8. 首先税务机关会核定你公司一次购买税票的数量。

    Above all the tax authority is met you buy check and ratify the amount of tax bill .

  9. 非法持有不带这种税票的烟草产品,将成为受到法律惩罚的犯罪行为。

    " Illegal possession of tobacco products without this stamp will be a criminal offence punishable by law " .

  10. 印花税票具有税收名片、税文化载体和税收宣传等8种功能。

    Tax stamps have eight functions such as name card of tax , the carrier of tax culture and tax promotion .

  11. 税款报解系统是将税票的开出、税金的交纳、国库的入库等信息进行收集、核对、编报的系统。

    It was described that the main function of tax-checkage system is to collect , check and work out tax data .

  12. 世界各地具有挑战的经济状况已经促使许多国家审核自己的税票运行情况,以抑制损失,并转换出丰厚的利润。

    Challenging economic conditions around the world have motivated many nations to review their tax stamp operations in an effort to hold back losses and convert to a solid profit picture .

  13. 中国第一枚印花税票问题近百年来一直是中华邮学和税票史研究的重大课题,留下多个难圆其说之处。

    However , the first Red Revenue Stamp has been a major issue in the study of Chinese Philately in the past hundred years , leaving a number of disputes and arguments .

  14. 印花税票:印花税票是缴纳印花税的完税凭证,由国家税务总局负责监制。

    Stamp duty ticket : Stamp duty ticket is the duty paid proof of pay stamp duty , by national tax Wu total bureau is in charge of supervise the manufacture of .

  15. 同时,银行与国库进行税款资金清算,完毕后将本次清算的资金总额连同税票明细信息通过网络发送到国库。

    Meanwhile , the banks and the Treasury settle the tax capital , after that , they complete the liquidation of the total amount of this detail , together with the stamps to send information through the network to the state treasury .

  16. 最后一笔款当时有供给商开了税票,但商场把款压到6月份才打款,结果税票过期,现在商场要求我们重开,请问能否重开?

    Finishing stroke money had a supplier to open tax bill at that time , but bazaar overwhelms the paragraph to just made a money june , result tax bill expires , bazaar asks now our reopen , excuse me whether reopen ?

  17. 在清末民初,当事人对未贴印花税票的应税凭证可拒收或退还,法庭可遇讼不理,但补贴并接受处罚者除外。

    In late Qing Dynasty and early of the Republic of China , the parties may refuse or return taxable receipts failed to affix stamps and the court can ignore this kind of lawsuit unless the stamps were well attached and penalties were imposed .