
qiú chánɡ quán
  • right of claim;right to recourse;right to reimbursement
  1. 求偿权的性质应采纳主观共同关系说。

    Regarding the nature of the right of recourse , the Subjective Joint Relation Theory should be adopted .

  2. 以环境损害范围的界定和环境损害因果联系的认定为切入点对环境损害求偿权的实现进行了初步探讨。

    The paper aims to determine the scope of environmental damages and their causal connections and discusses the guaranteeing of the right to recourse about environmental damages .

  3. D.代位求偿权原则上只在财产保险合同中适用(但笔者认为保险代位求偿制度没有任何余地地只能存在于财产保险合同中的提法是不甚确切的);

    D. From principle the right can only be used in the contract of insurance .

  4. NPR的西尔维娅·波焦利报道,这一裁决可能会引起大家对依法求偿权的疾风骤雨般的争论。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the ruling could unleashed a flurry of legal claims .

  5. B.民法中的公平原则与保险法中的损失补偿原则是奠定保险代位求偿权制度的两大基石;保险人依法可向负有民事赔偿责任的第三者请求赔偿。

    The insurer can claim damages from the third party of civil liability . B. The fair principle in civil law and the damage compensation principle in insurance law lay good foundations for the system of the right .

  6. 金融资产简言之即对产品和服务的求偿权。

    Financial assets are simply a claim on goods and services .

  7. 浅析医疗费用保险中的代位求偿权

    Discussion on the Right of Subrogation in Medical Expense Insurance

  8. 保险代位求偿权体现了保险补偿性;

    The right embodies the character of the insurance compensation .

  9. 保险代位求偿权浅析资本权论&一种经济法的分析路径

    Analysis of the Right of Insurance Subrogation On the Right of Capital

  10. 被保险人的弃权行为对保险代位求偿权的影响

    Impact of the Abandonment of Insured 's Right on Insurance Subrogation Right

  11. 优先求偿权条件下贷款担保价值研究

    Research on the Loan Guarantee Value with the Claim Priority

  12. 本章还花了很大篇幅对保险代位求偿权行使的法律保护进行了研究,明确指出被保险人应协助保险人行使代位求偿权的法定义务;论债权人代位权客体扩张及行使范围

    Research on the object of subrogation right and its range

  13. 保险代位求偿权是保险法中古老而又颇具特色的一项制度。

    Insurance subrogation system is an old and characteristic system .

  14. 韩国法下保险人代位求偿权行使范围

    On scope of subrogation by insurers under Korean commercial code

  15. 论保险业务中的代位求偿权

    Discussion on the Right of Subrogation for Compensation in Business of Underwriter

  16. 海上保险代位求偿权若干法律问题探析

    Some Problems of the Right of Subrogation in Maritime Insurance

  17. 第二章探讨海上保险代位求偿权的行使。

    Chapter Two researches on the exertion of subrogation right of marine insurance .

  18. 试论我国海上保险人代位求偿权的行使名义

    Name for Exercising the Right of Subrogation in China

  19. 在第三部分中,笔者论述了保险代位求偿权的法律保护这一问题。

    In Part ⅲ, it discusses the legal protection for the subrogation right .

  20. 不足额保险下代位求偿权行使的模式选择与程序依赖

    Mode Selection and Program Dependence of the Exercise of Subrogation Right in Underinsurance

  21. 对不足额保险下代位求偿权的探讨

    Scrutiny of Indemnity-Recovering Right of Subrogation Under Wantage Insurance

  22. 鉴于此,本文采用比较法的方法对海上保险中的代位求偿权制度进行了全方位的研究。

    So the writer studies stipulations of subrogation in marine insurance by comparison all-sided .

  23. 第二部分,概括分析各国刑事被害人求偿权产生、发展的基本情况。

    The second part , the author briefly analyzed national criminal victim claims development .

  24. 代位求偿权制度在我国保险法中的适用

    Application on Insurance Subrogation System in Our Country

  25. 其中对于刑事被害人求偿权研究具有重大实际意义和现实作用。

    Which the for criminal victim claims has great practical significance and practical role .

  26. 海上保险代位求偿权是保险人的一项法定权利。

    The right of subrogation in marine insurance for the insurer is given by law .

  27. 试论民事诉讼胜诉当事人之费用求偿权

    Claim for Legal Costs in Civil Action

  28. 第一章是代位求偿权的法学分析及性质探究。

    The first chapter analyzes the legal background and characteristics of the right of subrogation .

  29. 保险人在依约承担赔偿责任后,对于投保人享有代位求偿权。

    Insurer who meet its contractual liability for the insured would enjoy a right of subrogation .

  30. 代位求偿权是法定的债权转移,是民法债权制度中进一步完善。

    Subrogation is statutory transfer of credit and further improvement of credit system of civil law .