
  • 网络Resume;job resume
  1. 你精心制作了自己的求职简历,至少检查了两遍拼写,但你有没有把二维码(QRCode)放进去呢?

    You 've tweaked and crafted your resume , spell-checked it at least twice . But have you included a ' QR code ' ?

  2. 高校毕业生求职简历写作教学谈

    On the Teaching of Resume writing for the College Graduates

  3. 有报告称,硅谷各家创业公司正收到大批来自Zynga员工的求职简历。

    Reports suggest that valley startups are seeing a flood of resumes from Zynga employees .

  4. 本古里昂大学的BradleyRuffle和艾瑞儿中心大学的Ze'evShtudiner对求职简历中附照片的做法进行了调查研究。在欧洲和亚洲国家,简历中附照片是一种惯例。

    Bradley Ruffle at Ben-Gurion University and Ze'ev Shtudiner at Ariel University Centre looked at what happens when job hunters include photos with their curricula vitae , as is the norm in much of Europe and Asia .

  5. 浅谈编制求职简历中的几个问题

    Talking about Some Problems in the Compilation of the Resume of Job Application

  6. 这份漫画求职简历一经发布,便在新浪微博上吸引了成千上万网友的关注。

    The job applicant 's cartoon resume received thousands of views on Sina Weibo .

  7. 而谷歌每年能收到约100万份求职简历。

    Meanwhile , Google gets over a million people sending their resumes in every year .

  8. 人力资源专业人士经常会收到大量的求职简历,而这些申请人的资历看起来都大同小异。

    HR professionals are often swamped with applications from candidates whose qualifications look similar on paper .

  9. 一些雇员仅仅在求职简历上作假,伪造一些学位;而另一些人则求助于“文凭作坊”。

    While some employees simply falsify their re up4 des , others turn to diploma mills .

  10. 感谢收看“没有工作经历怎样书写求职简历”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching How To Create A Resume If You Have Never Had A Job .

  11. 与此同时,伦敦某对冲基金的一位高管表示,该基金的邮箱中现在满是求职简历。

    Meanwhile , a senior executive at a London-based hedge fund says the postbag is now crammed with CVs .

  12. 比如,你可以带著你的求职简历亲自到你想应聘的单位去,和人力资源部的人见面。

    Like , you can bring your resume to the company you are looking for and talk to human resources .

  13. 确实有研究显示,那些名字更保守、听起来更像白种人名字的人在提交求职简历时成功率更高。

    Studies have indeed shown that those with more conservative , Caucasian names are more successful when submitting resumes for employment .

  14. 在当今职场,求职简历已经越来越过时。

    One of the things that is happening in the world of work right now is resumes are becoming more and more passe .

  15. 公布在求职简历上的个人信息应该是要经过仔细筛选的,只留下和该职位、雇主相关的信息。

    Be selective in the information you share on a resume and include only the details that are relevant to the employer and the position .

  16. 如果你的求职简历上只有一段时间空白,此外都是长时间的工作时期,那么这尤为奏效。

    If you have no other gaps on your resume and have been working continually for a lengthy period of time , this is quite plausible .

  17. 不管怎么说,只有这样才有机会见到负责招聘的人,亲手递交求职简历。我希望当这些公司出现空缺职位时,他们能想起我。

    It was a chance to meet people , hand off my resume , and hope they would remember my face if an opening came up .

  18. 文章针对编制求职简历中易出现的几个问题进行了论述

    This paper discusses on some problems easily occurring in the compilation of the resume of job application . Design your CV in a thousand and one ways

  19. 如果你是第一次写求职简历的话,不要害怕写下你所做过的琐碎工作。

    When you are writing your resume for the first professional career search , do not be afraid to write down the trivial jobs you have held .

  20. 使用简洁,有动力的,能起到作用的语言来表达你能为其公司作出贡献的能力,那么你就能比较容易地从很多求职简历中脱颖而出。

    Use succinct , dynamic , action-oriented language to convey your ability to add value to the reader 's company and you will capture and hold attention through three or even more pages .

  21. 你也可以寻找专业的简历写手,帮助把你的生活经历转译为求职简历。

    That counts as legitimate employment and legitimate experience . So , you might want to get with a professional resume writer who can help translate your life experience into an actual resume for a job .

  22. 调查结果表明目前独立学院学生诚信缺失现象较严重,主要表现有如下几个方面:考试作弊严重;恶意拖欠学费;求职简历掺假;擅自解除契约;恋爱动机不纯;网络道德虚拟等。

    The survey results shows that the lack of honesty among independent college students is reflected in such matters as seriously cheating on exams and job resume , malignantly defaulting tuitions , optionally discharging contracts , impure love motivation , bad internet morality .

  23. 如果用手提式打字机打出来的求职简历,不如正规的电子打印机打出来的给人印象深刻,省下那点钱是不值得的。你若看上去很成功,那你成功的可能性就大。

    If your r é sum é typed on a portable is less impressive than one typed on a full size electronic typewriter , the little money saved may not be worth it.You will have a better chance to succeed if you look successful .

  24. 但由于受各种价值观念的冲击和不良因素的影响,会计专业学生在诚信方面也出现了诸多问题,如考试作弊、作业抄袭、恶意拖欠学费、骗取助学金、网络交往虚假、求职简历造假等。

    However , due to the impact of various values and adverse factors , insincerity issues such as cheating on the exam , homework plagiarism , malicious default tuition , diddling on grants , cheating on network communication , resume fake appeared in the students of accounting majors .

  25. 不要接连不断地发出得不到回音的求职简历或求职信件;不要老是追求一个明显不可能得到的职位。如果你发现自己并不像想像的那么有竞争力,那就修改求职简历和目标。

    Don 't continue to send out a r é sum é or an application letter that has gotten no results.And don 't keep pursuing a position if it obviously isn 't attainable.If you discover that you aren 't as marketable as you assumed you would be , revise your r é sum é and your goals .

  26. 梅耶尔表示,上个季度,雅虎收到了17000份求职者简历。

    Last quarter , Mayer says , the company received resumes from 17,000 job applicants .

  27. 作为澳大利亚第一个试行相关措施的地区,上周五,维多利亚州政府宣布,其将进行一场为期18个月的试点计划,从求职者简历中剔除姓名、性别、年龄和地点等信息。

    In an Australian first , the Victorian government last Friday announced it would trial an 18-month program to strike out an applicant 's name , gender , age and location from their resume .

  28. 鉴于此,我们特地请来弗莱明、乌尔里克和其他职业咨询专家帮助我们解读这些招聘广告中的常用词,同时也是充斥着求职者简历的热门字眼。

    With that in mind , we 've asked Fleming , Ullrich and other career experts to help us decode the most commonly used jargon in job ads , often the same buzzwords that fill up resumes .

  29. 如果你有一个Gmail帐户,你可以创建、保存和发送除求职信和简历等书面文件之外的表格。

    If you have a Gmail account , you can create , save and send tables in addition to written documents like your cover letter and resume .

  30. 伊利诺伊州的猎头公司EastWingGroup的合伙人瑞德(RussRiendeau)表示,他喜欢对照求职者的简历和他们在LinkedIn上的简介,经常能发现两者会有所出入。“这能帮助我评估求职者到底是不是他所自我标榜的样子。”

    Executive recruiter Russ Riendeau says he checks candidates ' resumes against their LinkedIn profiles and often discovers discrepancies . ' It 's helping me assess whether candidate is indeed who they say they are , ' says Mr. Riendeau , a partner at East Wing Group , a search firm in Barrington , Ill .