
qiú zhí xìn
  • cover letter;application letter
  1. 我们把每一封求职信都看成是一个行为序列。

    We regard an application letter as a sequence of speech acts .

  2. 他的求职信被某个懒得读信的人扔到一边了。

    His application letter was thrown away by someone who cannot be bothered to read it .

  3. 并非每一个写来求职信的人都会被邀请参加面试。

    Not everyone who writes in can be invited for interview .

  4. 好吧,至少对于这位万分诚实而且滑稽的自我贬低的年轻学生来说是管用的。他的求职信被发布在美国科技博客BusinessInsider上,而且引发了无数投行老板的赞扬。

    Well , at least for the brutally honest and hilariously self-deprecating young student , whose cover letter publicized on Business Insider , has generated a ton of positive interest amongst investment banking bosses .

  5. 万豪负责人才招聘的主管BillLu说,截至7月,公司收到的应聘中国职位的求职信比平时一个月多约1000份。

    By July , the company had received about 1000 more applications for Chinese jobs than it does in a normal month , said Bill Lu , Marriott 's director of talent acquisition .

  6. 求职信只要占用A4纸的一面即可,并使用与你的简历相同的字体。

    You should use only one side of A4 paper and use the same font as you used in your CV .

  7. 在发送一封特制的求职信之前要和公司建立一定联系。Ryan还说:如果工作职位需要的话,你甚至需要定制你的简历。

    Establish a connection before sending a customized cover letter and , adds Ryan , You can even customize your resume if a job opening calls for it .

  8. Leach说,我有标准的入门律师简历,这你也得用,但是我用了求职信更多的介绍了我自己。

    I had the standard entry-level lawyer resume that you have to use , but I used the cover letter to introduce myself more , said Leach .

  9. 理论上讲,求职信是个好主意。

    In theory , the cover letter is a great idea .

  10. 所有的求职信都将发送到人事部。

    All applications for jobs had to be routed through HR .

  11. 广告都登出好长时间了,求职信依然不断寄来。

    Applications continued to trickle in long after the ad appeared .

  12. 他们的求职信只会被直接转到垃圾文件夹。

    Those people just go right in the trash folder . '

  13. 求职信的格式和风格可以很多样。

    Cover letters can be written in various styles and formats .

  14. 写封极具说服力的求职信可不是件简单的事情。

    Crafting a compelling , convincing cover letter is not easy .

  15. 简历和求职信的重要性

    Why a good CV and a good covering letter are important

  16. 相比英文求职信,中文求职信使用更多的礼貌策略。

    Chinese application letters use more strategies than English application letters .

  17. 也许,这就是你在求职信上要传达的东西。

    It probably does and thats what you want to convey .

  18. 永远不要发送一封大众化的通用简历或求职信。

    Never submit a generic , one-size-fits-all resume or cover letter .

  19. 自己留一份求职信的副本。

    Keep a copy of the cover letter for your records .

  20. 求职信应该是简历的补充而不是复制。

    Your cover letter should complement , not duplicate your resume .

  21. 请随求职信寄上简历。

    Please enclose a curriculum vitae with your letter of application .

  22. 另外,务必要定制你的简历和求职信。

    Also make sure to customize your resume and cover letter .

  23. 我怎样才能让别人注意到我的简历和求职信呢?

    How do I get my resume and cover letter noticed ?

  24. 每次发送简历都要加上一封定制的求职信。

    Send a customized cover letter with each resume you send out .

  25. 有必要在每封简历上附上求职信?

    Is it necessary to send a cover letter with every CV ?

  26. 用蓝色或黑色水笔在求职信上签名。

    Sign the cover letter with a blue or black ink pen .

  27. 他坐下来,写了一封求职信。

    He sat down and composed a letter of application .

  28. 我写了五份求职信,但一无所获。

    I wrote five applications for jobs but got nothing .

  29. 求职信是关于老板的而不是自己。

    Make the cover letter about the employer , not about you .

  30. 求职信要针对你应聘的职位定制。

    Cover letter is targeted to the position you are applying for .