
Discussion on the College Student 's Job Viewpoint and Preparation for the Job-hunting
2010 you don 't have to wait out the storm , and you can take steps to prepare for your job search .
Action Investigating sources of additional training and education Developing a job search strategy Writing your resume Gathering company information Composing cover letters Preparing for job interviews
Chen said that candidates should prepare for their video interview just like they would for any other job interview .
Some applicants are being asked to prepare oral presentations , so it 's more important than ever to be well versed in the company and what it expects in an employee .
The results are as following : ( 1 ) Job-search behavior in Guangzhou is made up of by the four factors , which are job preparation , attitude adjustment , using of network and cost of job-searching .
There is a significant positive correlation between job search behavior and results of graduates in social networking service . Time to apply for a job , job frequency ; job breadth , job preparation and psychological adjustment all are obvious positively correlated with job results .