
qiú yì fǎ
  • method of seeking difference
求异法[qiú yì fǎ]
  1. 地磁对比求异法

    A geomagnetic method of using contrast to find difference

  2. 对反事实假设复句的逻辑分析就是要揭示出它所蕴涵的逻辑思维形式,即差异推理(求异法)、反证法和比喻推理。

    The logic analysis of anti-reality hypothesis compound sentence is to reveal its hidden logic thinking modalities which are different reasoning , counterevidence and figurative reasoning .

  3. 本文考察了科学逻辑方法在创造性思维活动中的运用,这三种科学逻辑方法是反向求索法、发散求异法和模型类比法。

    This paper investigates the applications of the logic methodology to creative thinking activities . The three logical methods are reversed search , diverging search and model analogy .

  4. 而难点则是训练学生运用比较法去鉴别异同的能力;再就是利用逻辑推理知识中科学归纳法中的求异法进行比较与求同法进行比较。

    The difficulty is to train students to use comparative law to the ability to identify similarities and differences ; then there are the use of scientific knowledge , logical reasoning on Differences in the method of induction compared with the method compared with the demand .

  5. 政治课教学中常用的比较方法有求同比较法、求异比较法、横向比较法和纵向比较法。

    Methods such as comparing and contrasting , both length wisely and cross wisely , are most frequently used in teaching politics .