
  1. 在日益全球化的就业市场上,阿尔塔米拉诺·赛恩斯(AltamiranoSainz)的故事可能听起来司空见惯了。

    In an increasingly globalized employment market , Laura Altamirano Sainz 's story could sound routine .

  2. 经济全球化与就业:社会性别的视角

    Economic Globalization and Employment : A Gender Perspective

  3. 美国人围绕这些协定展开争论,仿佛就是在争论全球化、就业、不平等和美国中产阶级之未来等问题。

    The debate that surrounds them has become a proxy for those about globalisation , employment , inequality , and the future of the American middle class .

  4. 经济全球化影响劳动就业的传递机制

    A Research on the Mechanism of Economic Globalization 's Influence on the World Employment

  5. 国际环境将进入一个关键的转折点,向全球化索取更多就业机会成为全球很多国家的中期战略取向,而我国也进入了一个充满机遇和挑战的新的发展时期。

    International environment will enter a critical turning point ; It will be the medium-term strategic orientation of most countries to ask globalization for more employment opportunities , while China has also entered a new period of development full of opportunities and challenges .

  6. 全球化进程与农村就业分析

    Considerations of the Countryside Employment in the Background of Globalization

  7. 全球化在创造更多就业机会及岗位中扮演不可替代的重要角色。

    Globalization plays an essential and irreplaceable role in generating more employment opportunities and positions .

  8. 全球化与非正规就业政策

    Globalization and Policy of Unconventional Employment

  9. 全球化进程中世界就业若干特征分析

    Globalization and Employment Worldwide

  10. 随着经济全球化的发展,就业竞争的加剧,社会各界对外语人才的需求与日俱增。

    With the development of economic globalization and employment competition , the demand for foreign language talent is increasingly-growing .

  11. 正确认识全球化进程中劳动就业的规律性特征,对于制定正确的对外开放以及就业战略具有重要的意义。

    This paper explore the characteristics of employment , and provide research-based suggestions for formulating the correct strategy of opening up to the outside world and employment .

  12. 弗罗曼表示:很多人就全球化对生产、就业和薪资模式的影响提出了非常合理的担忧。

    There are a lot of people who raise very legitimate concerns about the impact of globalisation on patterns of production , on jobs , on wages .

  13. 本文分析了全球化背景下中国农村劳动就业形势,并针对全球化对农村就业的冲击提出相应对策。

    This text analyzes under the globalization background the Chinese village labor employment situation , and aims at globalization to take up employment in the village and puts forward the counterplans .

  14. 经济全球化的直接含义是国际分工,因此在比较优势作用下不断扩展的国际贸易、资本的跨国流动以及由此推动的全球产业结构调整成为经济全球化影响劳动就业的途径。

    The globalization implies directly the international division of labor . Therefore under comparative advantage the international trade , capital multinational , and the world industrial structure adjustment become the main ways of economic globalization 's influence on the labor employment .