
  1. 政府在促进全民创业中需要解决的几个问题

    Government in the Promotion of Universal Business Must Pay Attention to Solve Several Problems

  2. 现在国家为了实现经济更快、更好发展,倡导全民创业,以解决就业和提高收入。

    Now the nation advocates entrepreneurship to achieve better , faster development in economy .

  3. 但政府希望全民创业的良好愿望与民间创业氛围的营造、创业活动的活跃如何形成互动,有一系列问题需要研究与探索。

    But how can the government interact with the formation of the entrepreneurial social atmosphere and the people 's entrepreneurial activities ?

  4. 激发全民创业是增强一国创新力的重要手段。

    Activitating pioneering among citizens all over the country is an important means to strengthen the innovation ability of a country .

  5. 实现全民创业不仅是全国人民的梦想,更是大学生的就业梦。

    Accomplishes Universal venture is not only the dream of the whole nation , also is the employment dream of College Students .

  6. 全民创业,加速民营经济发展是实现吉林振兴的力量之源。

    Undertaking Enterprises of the whole nation and increasing the development of the local economy are the resources of the strength to reconstruct Jilin economy .

  7. 旨在通过“全民创业教育”的提出引起人们对“创业教育”意义的全面关注,通过“全民创业教育”的实施促进全民的广泛就业,从而保持社会的稳定发展。

    The purpose is to make all citizens concerned about " enterprise education " to promote the employment and the steady development of the society .

  8. 协同效应动机;5.调整企业的产业结构,增强企业抵御风险动机。全民创业与公务员的能力建设

    And adjusting product structures to increase the ability of coping with risks . Undertaking Enterprises of the whole nation and the construction of the civilians ' ability

  9. 在当前全民创业、全面创新的时代背景下,许多研究者探讨了民营企业家的创业心理和创业历程。

    Many researchers have paid great attention to the studies on the entrepreneurial mentality of private entrepreneurs at a time of " innovation and starting undertaking " .

  10. 本世纪以来,我国已经有不止一个省份的政府提出营造全民创业社会氛围的政策主张,安徽省也在其中。

    Since the beginning of the new century , quite a few provincial governments in China , one of which is Anhui , have made policies to encourage an all-round entrepreneurial social atmosphere .

  11. 在全民创业的浪潮推动下,新一代劳动者必须具备一定的创业意识、创业能力和创业素质,这些都使创业教育成为必然。

    Driven by a national wave of entrepreneurship , A new generation of workers must be have a certain awareness of entrepreneurship , entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship qualities , These make Entrepreneurship Education is inevitable .

  12. 助推全民创业,发挥政府的应有作用,国家公务员必须努力加强服务于经济发展的能力建设。

    To boost the whole nation 's career and bring our government into proper role , our civilians should try their best to improve the ability construction that is suitable for the development of economy .

  13. 十七大报告把以创业带动就业上升到党和国家的战略高度,全国出现了鼓励全民创业的新形势。

    The report of the 17th National Congress of the CPC perceives promoting employment through entrepreneurship as one of strategies of the party and state . Therefore there is a high spirit of entrepreneurship throughout the country .

  14. 一部分人通过诚实劳动和合法投资先富裕起来,带动全民创业,共同富裕,这正是社会主义的本质要求和根本目的。

    If some people are rich earlier than others by honest working and legal investment , and then guide all the other people to make a success of their career and generally rich at last , this is just the socialist essential requirement and purpose .