
  • 网络full cost;total cost;Total Cost of Ownership;absorption cost
  1. 中国香港特别行政区食物环境卫生署(Food,EnvironmentandHygieneDepartment)正在讨论将安葬费用提高逾一倍至6670港元(合860美元),以便“收回提供相关物品和服务的全部成本”。

    The Chinese territory 's Food , Environment and Hygiene Department is debating more than doubling the cost of burial to HK $ 6670 ( US $ 860 ) in order to " recover the full cost of providing the relevant goods and services . "

  2. 不过如上面的图表所示,世界上有很多地方,特别是在非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲这些iPhone普及率不高的地方,用户倾向于预先支付手机的全部成本。

    But as the above chart shows , there are large swaths of the world especially in Africa , Asia and Latin America , where iPhone penetration is low where customers prefer to pay the full cost of the phone upfront .

  3. 你能把全部成本算出来吗?

    Can you figure the total cost out ?

  4. 英国研究信息网络(ResearchInformationNetwork)的一项独立研究发现,从印刷到数字的转变可为全球节省10亿英镑&值得提倡,但它仅占全部成本的12%。

    An independent study by the Research Information Network in the UK found that the shift from print to digital may save £ 1bn globally – worth having but only 12 per cent of total costs .

  5. 敏捷性压低所有权的全部成本(TCO)的能力。

    Agile 's ability to drive down Total Cost of Ownership ( TCO )

  6. 所有权的全部成本(TCO)

    Total Cost of Ownership ( TCO )

  7. 管理者和执行者自顶向下地检查所有权的全部成本(TCO)。

    Managers and executives examine total cost of ownership ( TCO ) from the top down .

  8. EVA的基本理念是一个企业只有在其资本收益超过为获取该收益所投入资本的全部成本时才能为企业的股东带来价值。

    The basic ideal of EVA is that the enterprise can bring its shareholders ' values only under the condition that the capital gains are higher than all the cost that invested in order to achieve the values .

  9. BNPExane分析师丹尼尔??戴维斯(DanielDavies)表示:“这看上去像是一条明智的监管规定。在不承认全部成本的情况下对信用保护给予资本金信用——这种做法很难站得住脚。”

    Daniel Davies , analyst at BNP Exane , said : " It seems like a sensible piece of regulation . It 's pretty difficult to make a case that capital credit should be given for credit protection without recognising the full cost . "

  10. 变动成本法与全部成本法损益差量研究

    Study of the Differential Profit about Variable Costing and Full Costing

  11. 理论上,边际机会成本应该相当于利用一单位某种自然资源的全部成本。

    Theoretically , MOC is the whole cost of employing an unit of certain natural resource .

  12. 实际的下一阶段的全部成本

    Actual next phase completion cost

  13. 因为,在这种情况下的价格是以边际成本而不是以全部成本为基础的。

    Because prices can , in such cases , be based on marginal rather than full costs .

  14. 当餐馆转嫁增值税的全部成本时,饮食的成本也急剧上升。

    The cost of eating out has leapt as restaurants pass on the full cost of VAT .

  15. 管理部门及市民根本未能完全掌握部门所用的员工的真正全部成本。

    Departmental managers and citizens alike , cannot therefore know the full costs of their departments personnel .

  16. 成本效益分析是一种将全部成本和效益都纳入考虑范围的分析过程。

    Cost-benefit analysis is a procedure which takes into account all costs and all benefits of a project .

  17. 收回全部成本的收费政策

    Full-cost recovery pricing policy

  18. 这就要求衡量公司业绩的指标必须准确反映公司为股东创造的价值,公司每年为股东创造的价值等于收人扣除全部成本和费用后的剩余。

    The annually value which created by companies to the shareholders is the surplus that revenues deduct all costs .

  19. 传统的以利润为核心的企业绩效评价体系没能反映企业资金的全部成本,也不能真实衡量企业的价值创造。

    Traditional profit-oriented merit appraisal system of Chinese enterprises neither reflects full cost of their capitals nor weighs their value creation .

  20. 其实质就是以减少的能源费用来支付节能项目全部成本的节能业务方式。

    Its essence is to reduce energy costs to pay for energy-saving project the full costs of energy-saving way of doing business .

  21. 因此,如果不从整个使用寿命期内综合考虑产品的全部成本(即全寿命期成本),就极有可能做出错误的购置决策。

    So one might make wrong purchase decision if he fails to consider the total costs within product 's life cycle ( i.e LCC ) .

  22. 这时,产品的全部成本已累积为材料盘存,工厂工薪和制造费用等账户的借方余额。

    At this point , all product costs have been accumulated into debit balances in the Materials Inventory , Factory Payroll , and Factory Overhead account .

  23. 供应商的信息售价或传播价格正在下跌,趋于边际成本,而边际成本则接近零,而且一般都不能负担全部成本。

    The price for their information or distribution is dropping towards marginal cost , which is close to zero and typically does not cover full cost .

  24. 莱特希泽多年来一直主张,美国应该不让用政府补贴制造出来的商品入境,或不让以低于全部成本的价格销售的商品入境。

    Mr. Lighthizer has argued for years that the United States should keep out goods made with government subsidies or sold below the full cost of making them .

  25. 在全部成本计算过程中,德国和美国使用可变的标准成本,而英国实行固定的标准成本。

    Germany and the United States , for example , have been set up to use flexible standard costing , whereas the United Kingdom uses static standard costing based on full costs .

  26. 市场失灵常见的是,生产者和消费者没有考虑到他们行为的全部成本,如对第三方(外部环境)的污染。

    Market failures commonly occur when producers and consumers do not take into account the full cost of their actions , such as pollution inflicted on third parties ( environmental externalities ) .

  27. 这个人员配备模型(如果“模型”这个词听起来太正式,可换成“图”)将通过对成本适时的评估提供所需的全部成本评估。

    This staffing model ( or " map " if the word " model " sounds too formal ) will provide input to the overall cost estimate by establishing timing for the costs .

  28. 一位投资银行化学制品分析师表示,在专业化工企业中,能源占全部成本的5%,但基于石油及天然气的原料在成本中占到40%至50%。

    One investment bank chemicals analyst says energy makes up 5 per cent of speciality chemicals ' costs , but oil - and gas-based raw materials account for 40 to 50 per cent of costs .

  29. 资源税的改革就是要通过资源税参与资源价格的形成过程,使资源价格能充分全面地反映资源的全部成本,从而有利于资源的永续利用。

    The resource tax reform is to participate in the formation of resource prices , the price of resources to fully and comprehensively reflect the full costs of resources , thus facilitating the sustainable use of resources .

  30. 合同能源管理实质就是以减少的能源费用来支付节能项目全部成本的节能业务方式,主要是由专业化的节能服务公司来进行。

    The essence of the contract energy management is a way of energy saving business to reduce energy costs to pay the full cost of energy saving projects , which mainly carry out by the professional energy services company .