
  • 网络gef;Global Environment Facility;the Global Environmental Facility;GEF GEF
  1. 全球环境基金太平洋战略

    Pacific Strategy for GEF

  2. 全球环境基金为涉及生物多样性、气候变化、国际水域、土壤退化、臭氧层和持久性有机污染物的项目提供资助。

    GEF grants support for projects related to biodiversity , climate change , international waters , land degradation , the ozone layer , and persistent organic pollutants .

  3. 中国可以提议成立一个新的全球环境基金,各国按照其历史累积的大致污染量来划分出资比例,而不是按照目前的GDP来出资。

    China could propose a new global environmental fund , with each nation 's donations given in proportion to its historical contribution to pollution , rather than in proportion to its current GDP .

  4. 其中大约一半是由全球环境基金(GEF)提供的,剩下的来自成员组织。

    Approximately half of this is being provided by the Global Environment Facility ( GEF ) with the remainder coming from partner organisations .

  5. 阐述全球环境基金(GEF)种子基金项目在广西木论国家级自然保护区的实施现状。

    The paper elaborates the implementation of seed fund project of Global Environmental Facility ( GEF ) in Guangxi Mulun National Nature Reserve .

  6. 1990年被联合国教科文组织接纳为人与生物圈计划“世界生物圈”保护网成员,受到全球环境基金(GEF)资助,成为“亚洲生物多样性保护示范区”。

    In1990 by UNESCO man and biosphere plan " acceptance " members of the biosphere , global environment protective fund ( GEF ), become " Asian biodiversity protection demonstration " .

  7. 全球环境基金是由政府支持的,通过联合国环境规划署(UNEP)、联合国开发计划署(UNDP)和世界银行开展的项目来实现。

    This is financed by individual governments , and projects are developed through the United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ), the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) and the World Bank .

  8. 该项研究由全球环境基金提供资助。

    Funding for the study was provided by the Global Environment Facility .

  9. 全球环境基金特别参加者会议

    Special Participants ' Meeting of the Global Environment Facility

  10. 全球环境基金将为该项目提供820万美元的资助。

    Facility will support the project with an US $ 8.2 million grant .

  11. 全球环境基金理事会环境基金参与者会议

    Global Environment Facility Council Meeting of the GEF Participants

  12. 全球环境基金协调办公室

    Global Environment Facility Coordination Office

  13. 经调整的全球环境基金

    Restructured Global Environment Facility

  14. 项目由全球环境基金共同资助,也将应对潜在气候变化风险和土地退化问题。

    Co-financed by the Global Environment Fund , it will also address potential climate change risks and land degradation .

  15. 联合国环境规划署执行全球环境基金所资助的活动技术合作信托基金;

    Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for the United Nations Environment programme 's implementation of the activities funded by the global environment facility ;

  16. 在全球环境基金和日本国际合作银行的支援下,埃及正在试验一个小规模的集中电厂项目。

    Egypt is piloting a small scale concentrating power plant with support from the Global Environment Facility and Japan Bank for International Cooperation .

  17. 这一耗资450万美元的项目由联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)和全球环境基金支助。

    The $ 4.5-million project is supported by the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) and the Global Environment Facility ( GEF ) .

  18. 本次大赛由世界银行、全球环境基金,国际金融公司、比尔与美琳达?盖茨基金会以及德国技术合作公司联合赞助。

    The World Bank , Global Environment Facility , International Finance Corporation , Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation , and GTZ are co-sponsoring the2008 competition .

  19. 由联合国开发计划署实施的全球环境基金小额赠款项目正在北京召开区域研讨会。

    The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program , an initiative implemented by the United Nations Development Program , is hosting a regional workshop in Beijing .

  20. 通过大量的实证材料和个案分析,本文的主题在于阐述全球环境基金与中国环保政策协调的关系。

    Based on empirical materials and in-depth case study , this paper manages to explain the relation between Global Environmental Regime and Chinese policy of environment protection .

  21. 这一援助是通过同发展中国家开展合作的世行以及全球环境基金、各环境组织、各基金会和许多捐赠国提供的。

    This has been provided through the World Bank working with developing countries , the Global Environmental Facility ( GEF ), environmental organizations , foundations , and many donor countries .

  22. 在由全球环境基金和国际农业发展基金的共同资助下,该计划也减轻了土地退化程度,促进了土地可持续管理。

    Co-financed by Global Environment Facility ( GEF ) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development ( IFAD ), the program also reduces land degradation and promotes sustainable land management .

  23. 教科文组织还与众多联合国机构以及其他相关机构合作,积极参与世界海洋评估和全球环境基金的跨境水域评估计划,努力增进有关海洋的知识并为政策制定者提供科学信息。

    In collaboration with a variety of UN and other institutional stakeholders , UNESCO is also actively engaged in the World Ocean Assessment and the Global Environment Facilitys Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme , to improve knowledge about the ocean and deliver science-based information to decision-makers .

  24. 在第四章中,笔者通过对全球环境基金机制的资金供给总量、资金供给的程序与原则、资金供给的领域与分布情况三个方面的分析,详细验证了全球环境治理的资金供给因素。

    In chapter four , take Global Environmental Facility ( GEF ) as an example , the author gives a detailed validation to the fund support of GEG in the three aspects , which are total amount , procedure and principle , field and distribution .

  25. 全球环境基金/世界银行与建设部共同实施中国供热改革与建筑节能(HRBEE)项目,旨在推进中国北方地区城市住宅与集中供热系统实现节能。

    Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development ( MOHURD ), with the support from GEF and WB , implemented China Heating Reform and Building Energy Efficiency Project , in order to promote building energy efficiency and heat metering and billing in residential buildings of northern area .

  26. 全球环境新兴市场基金;

    Global environment emerging markets fund ;

  27. 全球环境与技术基金会对制糖厂进行审计,并提出改革建议,旨在提高成效,帮助管理人员实施更佳措施。

    GETF conducts audits of sugar refineries , recommends changes designed to improve their performance and helps managers implement better practices .

  28. 全球环境与技术基金会表示,这有助于联盟向其他公司推广这些设想,并且克服有时因需要昂贵的资本投资而带来的阻力。

    That has helped the alliance sell the idea to other companies and to overcome resistance to sometimes-expensive capital investments , according to GETF .