
  • 网络Carnegie Corporation;the Carnegie Endowment;Carnegie foundation
  1. 本月,IBM和卡耐基基金会都将迎来100岁生日。

    Both IBM and the Carnegie Corporation will turn 100 this month .

  2. IBM和卡耐基基金会的成就无法用数字衡量。

    The achievements of IBM and the Carnegie Corporation are impossible to quantify mathematically .

  3. 谁对社会贡献更大呢,是IBM这个跨国集团还是遍布世界的慈善机构卡耐基基金会?

    Has the multinational business or universal philanthropy done more for society ?

  4. 因此从某种角度看IBM和卡耐基基金会有类似的使命。

    In a way , therefore , IBM and the Carnegie Corporation had similar missions .

  5. 在头一个50年里,卡耐基基金会在社会的影响力让IBM相形见绌。

    Still , in the first 50 years , the impact of the Carnegie Corporation on society dwarfed that of IBM .

  6. 一个更恰当的问题是:作为世界领先公司之一的IBM和世界上最具影响力的慈善机构的卡耐基基金会,哪个对世界的贡献更大?

    A better question is : which has done more for the world , one of its leading companies or one of its most influential charities ?

  7. 乍一看,IBM和卡耐基基金会从事的是两种如此截然不同的事业,以至于比较它们就好像比较苹果园和橘子林一样不靠谱。

    At first glance , IBM and the Carnegie Corporation seem to be engaged in such different endeavours that comparing them might seem about as sensible as comparing apple orchards and orange groves .

  8. 自2002年以来,比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(BillandMelindaGatesFoundation)已经向此类计划提供了逾4000万美元(约合2.5亿元人民币)的资助,福特基金会(FordFoundation)和纽约卡耐基基金会(CarnegieCorporationofNewYork)亦出资捐助。

    Since 2002 , the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided more than $ 40 million toward initiatives . The Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation of New York have also chipped in .

  9. 与之形成对比的是,卡耐基基金会在创立伊始就明确要通过捐赠其创始人工业家安德鲁??卡耐基(AndrewCarnegie)巨大财富的剩余来创造一个更好的世界。

    By contrast , the Carnegie Corporation explicitly set out to create a better world by giving away what remained of the great fortune of its industrialist founder , Andrew Carnegie .

  10. 从1955年起担任卡耐基基金会总裁的约翰??加德纳(JohnGardner)也在1965年的有关发展基础和中级教育法案方面起到重要作用,该法案为公立学校提供了第一大笔联邦基金。

    John Gardner , president of the Carnegie Corporation from 1955 , was also important in developing the Elementary and Secondary Education act of 1965 , which provided the first large slug of federal funding for public schools .

  11. 尽管卡耐基基金会仍然从事着重要的工作,比如由现任总裁瓦谭??格里格瑞恩(VartanGregorian)领导的理解伊斯兰的行动,但是这个基金会的确垂垂老矣。

    Although Carnegie still does important work , such as its efforts to understand Islam , championed by Vartan Gregorian , its current president , the corporation is showing its age .

  12. 但是自那以后,卡耐基基金会就开始目睹自己影响力日渐衰落。

    But since then , Carnegie has seen its influence decline .

  13. 哎,对于卡耐基基金会来说这似乎不太可能了。

    Alas , that seems most unlikely for Carnegie .

  14. 卡耐基基金会也支付了两个从根本上改变美国对自己定位的报告。

    The Carnegie Corporation also paid for two reports that fundamentally changed America 's conception of itself .

  15. 卡耐基基金会也资助了胰岛素的发明,使得上百万患有糖尿病的人摆脱了早逝的命运。

    Carnegie money also financed the discovery of insulin , sparing millions of people with diabetes from an early death .

  16. 它的公司慈善稳步增长,年拨款已超卡耐基基金会的了。

    Its corporate philanthropy has grown steadily , so that its annual grants now exceed those of the Carnegie Corporation .

  17. 但是本月还有一个组织也将迎来100岁生日——美国慈善的旗舰、纽约的卡耐基基金会。

    But another organisation is also turning 100 this month - the Carnegie Corporation of New York , a flagship of American philanthropy .

  18. 他只获得了一点点成功:卡耐基基金会最初的捐赠比联邦政府年教育预算多27倍;

    He succeeded only up to a point : the Carnegie Corporation 's initial endowment was27 times bigger than the annual federal government education budget ;

  19. 在智库为国家所豢养的国家,比如中国和俄罗斯,卡耐基基金会这样的外国组织享有独立的盛名。

    In countries where think-tanks are subservient to the state , such as China and Russia , foreign outfits such as Carnegie enjoy a reputation for independence .

  20. 卡耐基基金会最初的一笔捐赠为1.25亿美元(在今天价值30亿美元)超过了当时全美所有基金会总共的价值。

    The initial endowment of the Carnegie Corporation , at $ 125m ( $ 3 billion in today 's money ) , exceeded the total value of all American foundations at the time .

  21. 今天的慈善领头羊从比尔盖茨算起也谈到了杠杆的作用——但是有理由相信他们现在做的比卡耐基基金会做的更好。

    Today 's leading philanthropists , from Bill Gates down , also talk the language of leverage - but there are grounds to think they are doing better at it than the Carnegie Corporation is .

  22. 无论卡耐基基金会是否真的把社会主义阻挡在美国外面,很容易想象的是20世纪中期,如果没有它,美国会大不一样——也许更糟。

    Still , whether or not the Carnegie Corporation really kept socialism out of America , it is easy to imagine that by the middle of the 20th century , the country would have been a different - and probably worse - place without it .

  23. 他们中的很多人都试图模仿卡耐基和洛克菲勒基金会的科学慈善模式。

    Many of them tried to imitate the scientific philanthropy of the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations .

  24. 这位慈善家在海牙捐助建立了和平宫,资助建立了卡耐基国际和平基金会。

    The philanthropist built a Peace Palace in The Hague , and funded the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace .

  25. 此后,她受邀在美国著名智库做研究工作,其中包括卡特中心、卡耐基国际和平基金会及布鲁金斯学会等等。

    She was also invited to do research work by a number of distinguished American institutions including the Carter Center , the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , and the Brookings Institution .