
  • 网络Multimodal Transport;multimodal transportation;intermodal;Intermodality;Multi-modal transport
  1. 与以往学者研究的方法不同,本文从多式联运经营人角度出发,将整个多式联运网络构建成一个统一的超网络,并结合最新的GIS技术,将路径优化的结果直观地显示给操作者。

    Differently with previous scholars , this article from the perspective of the multimodal transport operator , builds the whole multimodal transport network into a unified super-network , and combining the latest GIS technology , and intuitively display the path optimization results to the operator .

  2. 多式联运流程设计与仿真研究

    Study on Designing and Simulating the Business Process of Multimodal Transport

  3. 基于多Agent技术的集装箱多式联运虚拟企业运作模型研究

    A Study on Operational Model of Container Multi-modal Transport Virtual Enterprise Based on Multi-agent Technology

  4. 本文综合考虑运输的各种目标要求,根据多式联运运输路径的评价指标,应用层次分析法(AHP)对多式联运运输路径方案进行优选。

    Considering the kinds of objects and requirements in the transportation procession comprehensively , according to the evaluation system in choosing the path , we adopt AHP to find the best way in the multi-transportation .

  5. 但受航运市场影响,LPG专用船舶运力有限,各炼化厂主要是通过火车槽车、汽车槽车以及多式联运等运输方式分销到各需求地。

    The LPG for exclusive use shipping is limited due to the impact of the shipping market , each Refining and Chemical Company , through flexible road tankers distribute to the demand areas .

  6. 然后通过调研的数据对BP网络进行训练,发现模型的建立是可行的,为以后集装箱多式联运协同效应和物流标准化的研究提供了更广阔的思路。

    And then through the survey data of BP network was trained , found that the establishment of the model is feasible , for later the synergistic effect of container intermodal transportation , and logistics standardization research provides a broader idea .

  7. 主要的区别在于CFR术语经用于海运和内陆和运输,而CPT术语可适用于任何运输方式,包括多式联运。

    The major difference is that CFR can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport , while CPT can be used for any mode of transport including multi-modal transport .

  8. 第四部分,对多式联运EDI上海枢纽中心平台的建设展开研究。着重研究了该平台体系结构、网络结构、中心的设备选型以及资金估算等。

    Chapter 4 : We analyze the multi-modal transport axis center platform of Shanghai , including the system framework of the platform , network structure , the equipment choices of the center and the estimate of the fund etc.

  9. 本文首先回顾多式联运问题的理论研究现状,并分析了Reddy(1995)构建的总运输成本最小化条件下的多式联运模型。

    This paper reviews the current research situation , and analyzes the intermodal transportation model with the minimized total transport costs established by Reddy ( 1995 ) .

  10. 为了对国际多式联运的法律进行统一,联合国贸易法委员会(以下简称UNCITRAL)开始着手准备制订《统一运输法》(草案),并于2003年9月公布了最新的《草案》文本。

    Therefore , in order to avoid the law conflicts , United Nations Commission on International Trade Law ( UNCITRAL ) commenced to prepare the draft of Transport Law , which can be applied in all transport models .

  11. 在对以港口为基础的多式联运以及顾客选择行为分析的基础上,构建了出口货物的多式联运超级网络以及基于顾客选择的Hotelling模型。

    Based on the theory of customer choice , the behavior of shippers was discussed and a super network of export was built . After that the Hotelling model was used to express the choice of port . The proof of existence of solution in Nash equilibrium condition was given .

  12. 国际多式联运中的项目物流和产品物流。

    Item logistics and product logistics in International container multi-model transportation .

  13. 优度评价法在多式联运运输方式组合优选中的应用

    Application of the Superiority Evaluation at Selecting the Multimodal Transport Options

  14. 基于模糊c-聚类的港口多式联运结点布局规划

    Layout of Port Multimodal Transport Nodes Based on Fuzzy c-cluster Analysis

  15. 天津港集装箱多式联运通道规划研究

    Research on the Planning of Tianjin Port 's Container Multimodal Corridor

  16. 集装箱多式联运下隐藏损害赔偿责任之研究

    A Study of Claim Responsibility for Hidden Damage in Container Transportation

  17. 在美国和加拿大,铁路是多式联运的主要形式。

    In the USA and Canada , rail dominates inter-modal transport .

  18. 汽车运输在集装箱多式联运中的地位和作用

    The Position and Funtion of Auto Transport in Containerized Multimodal Transport

  19. 建设合肥集装箱码头发展内河多式联运

    Constructing Container Terminals in Hefei and Developing Inland Intermodal Transport

  20. 多式联运单据的产生与现状

    The Creation and Status Quo of the Combined Transport Document

  21. 集装箱多式联运虚拟企业构建初探

    An Approach to Virtual Enterprise Establishment for Container Multimodal Transports

  22. 经营多式联运,提供门到门运输服务;

    Arranging multi-modal transportation , providing door to door service ;

  23. 基于遗传算法的多目标集装箱多式联运运输优化模型

    Optimization Models of Multi-purpose Multi-modal Container Transportation Based on Genetic Algorithm Method

  24. 集装箱多式联运运输组合优化的建模研究

    Research on Combination Optimization of Multimodal Transportation System of Containers

  25. 基于区间权重法的多式联运路径选择

    A Route Choice of Multi-modal Transportation with Interval Weight Method

  26. 多式联运集装箱关税示范规则专家组

    Group of Experts on Model Rules for Multimodal Container Tariffs

  27. 集装箱多式联运系统优化问题研究

    Research on Optimization Problems in the Container Multimodal Transportation System

  28. 国际多式联运单证法律性质新探

    Analysis on the Legal Nature of International Multimodal Transport Document

  29. 最后,对多式联运虚拟企业的激励机制与利益分配机制进行了探讨。

    At last , it discusses encouragement mechanism and interest distribution mechanism .

  30. 国际综合物流的现状及发展趋势;国际多式联运与现代物流的关系。

    Present conditions and development tendency of International comprehensive logistics .