
  • 网络Card method;card sorting
  1. 目的描述用选卡片法测定心衰病人学习需求以及护士准确预测病人个人学习需求的能力。

    Objective To describe the use of a card sorting method for determining the learning needs of patients with heart failure and the ability of nurses to accurately predict patients ' self-determined needs .

  2. 在铅球教学中实施卡片教学法的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Card Teaching Method for Shot Teaching

  3. 心力衰竭病人健康教育需求的卡片评估法

    Card Sorting of an assessment tool for the health educational needs of patients with heart failure

  4. 采用探头卡片分类法提高数字式超声波探伤仪的使用效率便携式相控阵探伤仪在焊缝超声检测技术中的应用

    Efficiency Improvement Method with Probe Sorting Card During Testing by Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector The Application of Portable Phased Array Instrument for Weld Ultrasonic Inspection Technology

  5. 信息构架中运用了卡片分类法、原数据编辑、标签设计等来搭建网站的结构。

    In the framework of information , we used card sorting method , original data editing and label design to build the structure of the website .

  6. 记忆英语单词的有效途径包括心理暗示法、对比记忆法、朗读记忆法、阅读记忆法、卡片记忆法、构词记忆法等。

    The effective ways of memorizing English words includes psychological suggestion , comparative memory , reading aloud memory , reading memory , cards memory , and word-formation memory .

  7. 针对前面研究中发现的网站信息组织和目录设置问题,本研究还利用卡片分类法,对网站主页导航目录进行评估,以更准确更有效地发现主页导航栏目设置上存在的问题。

    Then , in view of the problem of website information organization and directory which found in early research , the author uses card classification method to evaluate homepage navigation catalogue , so that the result about problems on the home page navigation column can be more accurately and effectively .

  8. 通过实验等方法,将卡片式教学法运用于高校体育专业田径投掷课教学中,结果表明,卡片式教学法能加强课堂教学的互动,有利于教学资源的利用。

    Based on experiment research , the card teaching method was employed in the teaching of the professional shot techniques in P.E.