
kǎ fānɡ fēn bù
  • chi-square distribution
  1. 本文从改进层内各检测半径的松散性出发,提出三种改进的球形译码算法。如下:(1)提出一种基于卡方分布期望值的统计裁剪球形译码算法(EPSD)。

    In this paper , it proposes three SD algorithms to aim to improve the loose of layer radiuses : ( 1 ) It proposes a statistical pruning SD based on the expectations of chi-square distribution ( EPSD ) .

  2. 方法使用卡方分布的理论,SAS软件及抽样调查方法。

    Methods the theory of Chi square distribution , the SAS system and sampling survey were used .

  3. 卡方分布参数检验的多门限空海目标分类方法海量海洋地图数据的分布式体系研究

    A Multi-threshold Classification Method for Airborne / Sea Target based on Chi-square Parameter Testing

  4. 研究发现,最大似然接收机的平方欧氏距离为加权卡方分布随机变量之和。

    The squared Euclidean distance is observed to be the sum of weighted-chi-squared-distributed random variable .

  5. 经验似然比以卡方分布为其极限分布,从而可以对参数进行估计和假设检验。

    The empirical likelihood ratio has a limiting chi-squared distribution , leading to estimate and hypothesis test .

  6. 在某些标准的正则条件下,Wilks1938年的经典结论保证了极大似然比统计量在零假设下渐近于一个卡方分布。

    With some standard regularity conditions , the classic result of Wilks ( 1938 ) guarantees the LRT statistic has asymptotically a x2-distribution under null hypothesis .

  7. 针对目前电动汽车充电负荷没有统计数据的问题,分别采用了分段正态分布以及分段卡方分布对其充电负荷进行了预测,分段分布预测模型能够考虑分时电价对用户充电时间的引导。

    Because there is no statistics data for the electric vehicle charging load , the sub-normal distribution and the sub-chi-square distribution are used to forecast charging load .

  8. 理论和实验表明:随着序列长度增加,预测准确率的提高等价于正态分布样本标准差估计的置信区间随样本容量的变化,它按照卡方分布方式提高。

    The theory and results of the experiments showed that as the length of the series grows , the accuracy of forecasting grows as that the standard deviation estimation of confidence interval grows with the increase of number of the samples according to χ 2 distribution .

  9. 目的运用卡方检验、圆形分布、同质分析对周期性数据进行分析比较。

    Objective To compare and analyse cyclist data by Chi-square test , Round distribution , HOMALS separately .