
  • 网络Carl Icahn;Karl Icahn;Carl C. Icahn
  1. 我们开始上课,Professor,Robert,Shiller,:,If,we,may,begin,我们今天的课程非常特别,我非常荣幸来给大家介绍我们今天的讲师,卡尔·伊坎。

    Robert Shiller Today we have a very special lecture I am very pleased to introduce Carl Icahn as our lecturer .

  2. 激进投资人卡尔·伊坎开始大量买进在线市场EBay的股份。

    Activist investor Carl Icahn has begun buying up shares of the online marketplace company EBay .

  3. 最重要的是,亿万富翁激进投资者卡尔·伊坎在接受CNBC采访时表示,他已经卖掉了他在苹果公司全部股权,理由是中国经济增速放缓以及对中国政府是否会限制苹果公司开展业务的担忧。

    On top of that , billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn said in an interview with CNBC that he had sold his entire stake in Apple , citing China 's economic slowdown and worries about whether the government could make it very difficult for Apple to conduct business .

  4. 上周四,沃伦·巴菲特和卡尔·伊坎各自的投资公司向监管机构提供最新持股报告。

    Warren Buffett and Carl Icahn 's investment firms provided updates of their stock holdings to regulators on Thursday .

  5. 它面临着像卡尔·伊坎及大型共同基金等一些戴尔最大外部投资者的强烈反对。

    It faced stiff opposition of some of Dell 's largest outside investors like Carl Icahn and big mutual funds .

  6. 随着投资人卡尔·伊坎的出现,微软并购雅虎案陷入了“剪不断,理还乱”的四方胶着局面。

    Block what Er · Yi pits to appear as investor , microsoft bought Yahoo case to be immersed in " cut ceaseless , manage is random still " all directions ankyloses situation .