
  • 网络qatar airways;Qatar Airline
  1. 从伦敦搭乘卡塔尔航空公司(QatarAirways)的航班至廷布另需1220英镑。

    Flights from London with Qatar Airways would add £ 1220

  2. 上个月,达美航空(DeltaAirLines)首席执行官理查德•安德森(RichardAnderson)指责阿联酋航空(Emirates)、阿提哈德航空(EtihadAirways)以及卡塔尔航空(QatarAirways)接受政府补贴。

    Last month , Richard Anderson , Delta Air Lines " chief executive , accused Emirates , Etihad and Qatar Airways of receiving state subsidies .

  3. 8月13日,卡塔尔航空一架班机播报出遇险信号“Mayday”,但该吉祥航空机长拒绝接受塔台指令、为前者腾出空位。

    On Aug.13 , the Juneyao Airline captain refused to take the orders from the tower to make way for a Qatar Airways jet that broadcasted a distress signal " Mayday " .

  4. 和其他航空公司的老板一样,卡塔尔航空公司的老板贝克尔(AkbarAlBaker)先生抱怨全球分销系统更新缓慢,不能处理这些选项,但他也承认,他们离不了全球分销系统,因为它为公司提供的订单所占份额很大。

    Like other airline chiefs , Qatar Airways ' boss , Akbar Al Baker , complains of GDSs ' slowness in updating their systems to cope with all these options , but he admits that they cannot do without the GDSs because they provide such a big share of their reservations .

  5. 卡塔尔航空始终将乘客及机组成员的安全和舒适置于首位。

    Qatar Airways'priority always remains the safety and comfort of its passengers and crew .

  6. 近日,卡塔尔航空公司推出了世界首款商务舱双人床。

    Qatar Airways has unveiled the world 's first double beds on business class flights .

  7. 据报道,他们乘坐的是卡塔尔航空公司飞往多哈的航班,机上载有158名乘客。

    They were on a Qatar Airways flight that reportedly carried 158 passengers to Doha .

  8. 你卡塔尔航空公司?

    Are you a Qatar Airways ?

  9. 他还对卡塔尔航空网络的开放表示感谢,这为中方运输防疫物资提供了便利。

    He also expressed gratitude to the opening of the Qatari airline network , facilitating the transportation of anti-epidemic materials .

  10. 目前,卡塔尔航空正在与中国当地权威机构保持密切联系以配合调查。我们将在查出事情真相后发表更多评论。

    Qatar Airways is working closely with the local authorities in China to establish the full facts of the incident before commenting further .

  11. 乘坐卡塔尔航空、阿联酋航空、阿提哈德航空或者约旦皇家航空的乘客也许要提前做好心理准备了,你的隔壁有可能坐着一位特殊的乘客——宠物鹰。

    Passengers flying on Qatar , Emirates , Etihad or Royal Jordanian Airlines , however , have a unique type of neighbor to worry about - the pet falcon .

  12. 卡塔尔航空首席执行官阿克巴尔o阿尔o贝克对彭博社表示,这项技术目前正在进行全面安装前的最后测试,它可将飞机飞行数据记录仪中的数据传输给航空公司的运行控制中心。

    The technology is being tested now ahead of a fleet-wide rollout . It transmits data from a plane 's flight-data recorder to the airline operations center , Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker told Bloomberg .

  13. 1月份,据彭博社报道,卡塔尔航空计划为其机组配备一种自动追踪系统,并希望在全行业起到一定的推动作用,以避免再度发生去年马航MH370航班那样的失联悲剧。

    In January , Bloomberg reported Qatar Airways plans to equip its fleet with an automatic tracking system amid an industry-wide push to prevent incidents such as the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 last year in the Indian Ocean .

  14. Twitter上的一幅漫画嘲讽天然气储量丰富的卡塔尔,漫画中,被罢黜的穆尔西在众人向他扔鞋之际,狼狈跑向卡塔尔航空(QatarAirways)航班。

    The gas-rich emirate is pilloried on Twitter in a caricature showing the deposed Mr Morsi scurrying towards a Qatar Airways flight under a fusillade of shoes .