
rì běn hánɡ kōnɡ ɡōnɡ sī
  • Japan Airlines;Japanese Airline Company
  1. 日本航空公司订购了31架A350客机及25架机型未定的A350客机。

    Japan Airlines is ordering 31 A350s with an option to buy 25 more .

  2. 日本航空公司(JAL)它可能提供优惠在到上面80%在一些非尖峰的路径上;它的主要对手,所有的日本通风孔,仍然正在考虑它的回应。

    Japan Airlines ( JAL ) says it may offer discounts of up to80 % on some off-peak routes ; its main rival , All Nippon Airways , is still considering its response .

  3. 据发言人YoichiUchida表示,这家日本航空公司计划换掉所有波音787梦想飞机当前正在使用的共100个罗尔斯·罗伊斯引擎。这个过程可能会耗费三年。

    The Japanese airline plans to swap out all 100 Rolls-Royce engines currently used on its 50 Dreamliners . The process could take as long as three years , according to spokesman Yoichi Uchida .

  4. 从下月起,日本航空公司全日空(ANA)将启用三架外形模仿R2-D2和另一个机器人的飞机,并承诺在机舱内布置更多《星球大战》主题的用品,包括头靠外罩、纸巾和杯子。

    In the air , the Japanese airline ANA will launch three planes bearing the likenesses of R2-D2 and another robot beginning next month and promises more " Star Wars " theming inside , including possibly headrest covers , paper napkins and cups .

  5. 这是日本航空公司九次航班的行李吗?

    Is this the baggage of All Nippon Airways flight nine ?

  6. 日本航空公司三十二班次的飞机已经晚点三小时。

    Japan air Lines Flight No.32 has been delayed three hours .

  7. 日本航空公司尚未向这些中国乘客道歉。

    The Japanese airways hasn 't apologized to the Chinese passengers yet .

  8. 日本航空公司的四零二航班准时起飞吗?

    Is JAL Flight Four Zero two leaving on schedule ?

  9. 日本航空公司三零一次航班是在这个柜台吗?

    Is this the right counter for JAL Flight three o one ?

  10. 日本航空公司去东京的航班是在几号登机门?

    What is the gate number for Japan Air Lines to tokyo ?

  11. 这是去日本航空公司的巴士吗?

    Is this the right bus for Japan Air lines ?

  12. 我能登记办理日本航空公司去伦敦的四零二航班吗?

    May I check in for JAL Flight Four Zero two for london ?

  13. 有一次公司从日本航空公司买了一架727型喷气机。

    At one point the company bought from Nippon Airways a 727 jet .

  14. 在哪取日本航空公司五零一次航班的行李?

    Where can I get my baggage for flight JAL five o one ?

  15. 我是日本航空公司的一名飞机驾驶员。

    I am a pilot with the jal .

  16. 她是服务于日本航空公司的空服员。

    She is an air hostess with JAL .

  17. 日本航空公司在哪检票?

    Where can I check in for jal ?

  18. 日本航空公司的柜台在那里?

    Where is the Japan Airlines counter ?

  19. 中国乘客准备起诉日本航空公司

    Chinese passengers prepare to sue Japan Airlines

  20. 感谢您打电话来日本航空公司。

    Thank you for calling Japan Airlines .

  21. 几十年来日本航空公司的整支机队都依赖于波音公司。

    Japan Airlines has relied on Boeing for its entire fleet of aircraft for decades .

  22. 日本航空公司的破产珍爱重组历程并不是易事,估计短时间内易以完成。

    Japan Airlines Corp. 's stint under bankruptcy protection isn 't likely to be short or simple .

  23. 今天,日本航空公司宣布将从欧洲飞机制造商空中客车公司购买20余架宽体客机。

    Japan Airlines announced today it will buy more than two dozen wide body jets from European airplane maker Airbus .

  24. 起价约1176英镑,包括乘坐日本航空公司从希思罗机场起飞,经大阪,最后到札幌的班机,及在北海道倒车所需费用。

    Prices start at around 1,176 including the flights with JAL from Heathrow to Sapporo via Osaka , and transfers in Hokkaido .

  25. 男:其实现在,我想进入日本航空公司做一名国际飞行员。

    M : Right now , actually , ( 8 ) I 'm trying to get into Japan Airlines as an international pilot .

  26. 第二天,日本航空公司另一架787型飞机在波士顿起飞前因飞行员发现漏油,被迫返回登机口。

    The next day another JAL 787 in Boston was forced to turn back to the gate after its pilots discovered a fuel leak .

  27. 稻盛和夫星期一以日本航空公司董事长的身份首次召开记者会,形容自己是航空产业的外行。

    Kazuo Inamori described himself as an amateur in the aviation industry on Monday , in his first news conference as Japan Airline 's chairman .

  28. 对索尼和全日本航空公司,我采取了同样的策略,尽管这家航空公司所做的只是给了我两张去日本的机票。

    I did the same with Sony and All Nippon airways , even though all the airline did was give me two tickets to japan .

  29. 但是看起来波音777客机不久将逐渐退役更换,而日本航空公司则历史上首次从欧洲的空中客车公司订购客机。

    But as it looks to replace the Boeing 777 jets that will soon retire , JAL turned to Europe 's Airbus for the first time in the company 's history .

  30. 受钓鱼岛问题的影响,赴日中国游客锐减,日本航空公司取消一些往返中国和日本的航班班次。

    Japan Airlines has been forced to cancel some flights between China and Japan due to the rising Diaoyu Islands dispute . The dispute has already caused a decrease in the number of tourists from China to Japan .