
  • 网络British Airways PLC;British Airway;British Aerospace
  1. 乘坐英国航空公司199次班机飞往罗马的乘客,这是最后一次通知登机。

    This is the last call for passengers travelling on British Airways flight 199 to Rome .

  2. 英国航空公司明天将增加一班到伦敦的航班。

    British Airways is putting on an extra flight to London tomorrow

  3. 英国航空公司的机场地勤人员曾经举行过罢工。

    There had been a strike amongst British Airways ground staff .

  4. 这家美国航空公司刚刚宣布了与英国航空公司的正式合作。

    The US airline has just announced a formal link-up with British Airways .

  5. 英国航空公司286次航班晚点两个小时。

    BA flight 286 was two hours late .

  6. 他们给英国航空公司发了电传。

    They telexed British Airways .

  7. 英国航空公司地勤人员的罢工已经造成伦敦至曼彻斯特的航线停运。

    A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester

  8. 英国航空公司每天有两个航班飞往曼谷,那里有前往金边的接续航班。

    British Airways have two flights a day to Bangkok , and there are onward flights to Phnom Penh .

  9. 这就是为什么英国航空公司主席科林·马歇尔爵士一直如此热衷于购买美国航空公司的股票。

    This is why Sir Colin Marshall , British Airways ' chairman , has been so keen to buy shares in US-AIR

  10. 大通为英国航空公司和丽思卡尔顿酒店等旅游相关公司提供了自有品牌的芯片卡。

    Chase offers a chip - enabled card under its own brand and several others for travel-related companies such as British Airways and Ritz-Carlton .

  11. 英国航空公司(BritishAirways)飞越以色列,但避飞乌克兰和伊拉克。

    British Airways flew over Israel but avoided Ukraine and Iraq .

  12. 此后,英国航空公司与位于伦敦的莱瑟黑德食品研究所(LeatherheadFoodResearch)开始了合作并展开了更多的定量研究。

    After that , British Airways began working with the London-based Leatherhead Food Research on more quantitative study .

  13. 英国航空公司最新一期《HighLife》杂志,其实是免费面向飞机乘客的,但是现在已经在Ebay上卖到30英镑了。

    The latest issue of British Airway 's High Life - which is complimentary for customers of the popular airline - is currently selling for £ 30 on Ebay .

  14. 英国航空公司CEO威利·沃尔什说,空域关闭期间英航每天的损失在2000万美元到3000万美元之间。

    British Airways Chief Executive Willie Walsh says his company lost between $ 20 million and $ 30 million a day .

  15. 维珍澳洲航空公司(VirginAustralia)与澳洲航空公司(Qantas)的对决早有大量资料可循,而维珍大西洋航空公司(VirginAtlantic)与其竞争对手英国航空公司(BritishAirways)多年来的历史恩怨同样出名。

    Virgin Australia 's battles with Qantas are well-documented , as is Virgin Atlantic 's long-standing rivalry with British Airways .

  16. 就在同一天,我体验到了英国航空公司(BritishAirways)那种典型的糟糕服务和僵硬作风,该公司目前正在困境中挣扎。

    On the same day , I was treated to a classic piece of poor service and inflexibility by British Airways , the struggling airline .

  17. 英国航空公司(BritishAirways)则表示每次飞行后都会清理座位、更换头靠以及用吸尘器打扫地面等等。

    British Airways says that it cleans its seats , replaces the headrests and vacuums the floors , in addition to other measures after every flight .

  18. 不过,这样做的好处是能在美国航空公司(American)、法国航空公司(AirFrance)、英国航空公司(BritishAirways)和捷蓝(JetBlue)等航空公司积累足够多的里程,获得免费飞行和升舱的机会。

    On the other hand , you can accumulate enough miles for free flights and upgrades on airlines such as American , Air France , British Airways and JetBlue .

  19. 例如,英国航空公司(britishairways)最近推出“aviators”品牌推广活动,但活动的阵地不在电影院,而在facebook。

    British Airways , for example , began its recent " aviators " brand advertising campaign , not in the cinemas , but on Facebook .

  20. 美国航空公司出售Sabre,英国航空公司和荷兰皇家航空出售Galileo等等。

    American Airlines sold Sabre ; British Airways and KLM sold out of Galileo ; and so on .

  21. 英国航空公司(BritishAirways)与澳洲航空公司(Qantas)正考虑潜在的合并事宜,这被认为是迄今为止加速全球航空业整合进程的最为大胆的举措。

    British Airways and Qantas are exploring a potential merger in the boldest move yet considered to accelerate the consolidation of the global airline industry .

  22. 英国航空公司的菜单设计经理辛尼德?弗格森(SineadFerguson)说:“这是不含钠的食盐替代品。”

    It 's a salt substitute without the sodium , ' said Sinead Ferguson , BA 's menu design manager .

  23. 英国航空公司驻伦敦的餐饮经理亚德里安?雅斯齐(AdrianJaski)表示:“你很可能会因为餐食而丧失客户。”

    You could certainly lose a customer , ' said Adrian Jaski , British Airways ' manager overseeing catering performance in London .

  24. 但在今年秋天,事情变得更加有趣:9月2日,英国航空公司(BritishAirways)乘客赛义德?哈桑斥资大约1000美元,购买了几条“推广消息”,猛烈抨击这家航空公司弄丢了他的行李。

    But this fall , things got even more interesting : On Sept. 2 , British Airways passenger Hasan Syed spent an estimated $ 1000 to purchase several promoted Tweets blasting the company for losing luggage .

  25. 这位英国航空公司(britishairways)的产品经理刚刚决定在今年夏天无薪休假1个月,并在随后的14个月内做非全职工作正是这家亏损的航空公司所希望的。

    The product manager at British Airways has just decided to take a month off without pay this summer and then work part-time for the following 14 months and that is precisely what the lossmaking airline wants .

  26. 包括英国航空公司所有者国际航空集团(IAG)在内的老牌航空公司都推出了自己的廉价长途子公司。

    Incumbents including IAG , owner of British Airways , have launched their own low-cost-long-haul subsidiaries .

  27. 16岁时,阿罗拉离开学校加入英国航空公司成为该公司的一名职员。同时,他还在HeathrowPenta酒店揽了份夜间工作,担任酒侍。

    On leaving at 16 , he joined British Airways as a clerk and took an evening job as a wine waiter at the Heathrow Penta hotel .

  28. 来自伦敦的某科技企业高管、英国航空公司的顶级贵宾杰米?摩尔(JamieMoore)表示,虽然短途航班的餐饮服务与日俱下,但他认为洲际长途航班的餐饮水平似乎提高了。

    Jamie Moore , a London technology executive and top-tier flier on British Airways , says that while food service has gone downhill on shorter flights , he thinks food on long trips across oceans has subtly improved .

  29. 同样身为英国航空公司金卡客户的霍华德?朗(HowardLong)表示:“我对餐厅好坏的评判标准就是我是否愿意再回来就餐,而从来没有哪餐飞机餐是我愿意重温的。”

    My test of a restaurant is simply whether I was served a meal I 'd want to go back for , ' said Howard Long , also a gold-level British Airways customer , ' and I 've never had a meal on an airline I wanted to go back for . '

  30. 伦敦GateGourmet餐厅的餐饮行政主厨凯文?莱韦特(KevinLevett)表示,拿一道猪颊肉的菜式来说,“我们在酱料中加入了更多的酸橙和香茅草”。GateGourmet餐厅为英国航空公司提供配餐服务。

    For a pork cheeks dish , ' we had to pack more lime and lemon grass into the sauce , ' said Kevin Levett , executive chef for production at Gate Gourmet in London , which caters BA 's flights .