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  • Intel
  1. 欧盟认定英特尔使用这样的折扣必然有其险恶的目的。

    The EU reckons that intel 's use of such rebates was nefarious .

  2. 英特尔等公司开发出更快的微处理器,这样个人计算机能够以更快的速度处理输入的信号。

    Companies like Intel developed faster microprocessors , so personal computers could process the incoming signals at a more rapid rate .

  3. 英特尔基金同时还启动了“英特尔科学天才研究项目”(IntelScienceTalentResearch),这是一项面向大学学前阶段的科技竞赛。

    The Intel foundation also created the Intel science talent research , a pre-college science competition .

  4. 英特尔认为,安全是运算处理(computing)的第三大支柱,其他两大支柱是效率和连接性。

    Intel reckons security is the third pillar of computing , along with energy efficiency and connectivity .

  5. Google要求英特尔提供专门定制的电路板。

    Google required Intel to create custom circuit boards .

  6. 虽然英特尔一直称霸PC市场,不过它的处理器在智能手机和平板电脑领域却举步维艰。

    Intel commands the PC market but has struggled to get its processors into smartphones and tablets .

  7. 当然,没有任何一家芯片厂商能像英特尔一样雄霸PC市场。

    Of course , no other chipmaker has quite as much riding on the PC market as Intel .

  8. 由于PC市场不断缩水,在智能手机和平板电脑市场占据更大地盘对英特尔来说至关重要。

    A bigger presence in smartphones and tablets is key for Intel as the PC market continues to shrink .

  9. 钱德拉塞卡曾为高通的竞争对手英特尔(Inter)效力达25年之久。

    Chandrasekher spent about 25 years at rival Intel ( INTC ) .

  10. 除了卓越的制造能力之外,无论是从人力资源,还是从收益上看,英特尔的规模都让ARM相形见绌。

    In addition to superior manufacturing capabilities , Intel 's size whether measured in manpower or revenues dwarfs ARM 's.

  11. 周一上午,英特尔(Intel)在旧金山举行的媒体发布会上推出了第三代酷睿(Core)处理器。

    Intel ( INTC ) unveiled its third-generation core processors at a press event in San Francisco Monday morning .

  12. 也就是说,就在英特尔进军一个大热的全新领域的同时,ARM正在挥师进攻一个传统阵地。

    That will leave Intel breaking into a hot new sector just as arm begins cracking open an old-line market .

  13. 英特尔(Intel)最近在中国开设了一家工厂。

    Intel recently opened a plant in China .

  14. 英特尔耗资成百上千万美元进行营销,以确保其“IntelInside”商标被用户认知并获得他们的珍视。

    The chipmaker has spent millions of dollars making sure consumers recognize and value its " Intel inside " logo .

  15. 微软、英特尔和戴尔所组成的三方联盟,更希望让笔记本变得更加强大,使用更花哨的Windows版本。

    The three-way alliance among Microsoft , Intel and Dell instead preferred laptops to become more powerful and run on fancier versions of Windows .

  16. 智能本标志着Arm首次大举进军英特尔主宰的传统PC市场。

    Smart books signified the first major push by Arm to break into the traditional PC market that is dominated by Intel chips .

  17. 首先是以由英特尔(Intel)和微软(Microsoft)为代表的个人计算机行业,两家公司分别在1993年和1999年上榜。

    First , personal computing , as represented by Intel and Microsoft ( 1993 and 1999 respectively ) .

  18. 去年,英特尔(Intel)在大连开办了该公司在中国的首家芯片生产厂。

    Last year , Intel opened its first semiconductor fabrication plant in China in Dalian .

  19. 英特尔(Intel)首席执行官保罗•奥特里尼就属于后者。

    Paul Otellini , chief executive officer of Intel , falls into the latter category .

  20. 尽管人们都在嚷嚷着后PC时代来临,英特尔公司首席执行官保罗•欧德宁仍然看好传统的个人电脑市场。

    Despite all the hullabaloo over a post-PC era , Intel chief executive officer Paul Otellini remains bullish on the traditional personal computing market .

  21. 英特尔已经在接受美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission)的调查,并且受到了欧洲、日本和韩国类似机构的严厉谴责。

    Intel is already under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission and has been censured by the FTC 's counterparts in Europe , Japan and Korea .

  22. 穆尔黑德说,英特尔还提供既支持Windows也支持安卓系统的固件(存储在只读存储器上的软件)。

    Intel also supplies what the industry calls firmware software stored on chips called read-only memory that can support both Windows and Android , Mr. Moorhead said .

  23. 这种情绪概括了20世纪末很多科技公司的行为,从英特尔到甲骨文(oracle)和微软(microsoft),都是如此。

    That sentiment epitomised the behaviour of many technology companies in the late 20th century , from Intel to Oracle and Microsoft .

  24. 早年在英特尔工作时,我接受了一份在日本从事DVD标准化的工作。

    Early in my Intel career , I took a job in Japan working on DVD standards .

  25. 今年六月,英特尔(Intel)披露了一些处理器技术的重大进展。

    In June , Intel pulled back the veil on a number of significant advancements in processing technology .

  26. 芯片厂商英特尔(Intel)之前为什么没能抓住移动革命的机遇?英特尔总裁詹瑞妮坦率地解释了背后的原因。

    Intel President Renee James is frank on why the chip-maker didn 't catch onto mobile earlier on .

  27. 贝斯普克投资集团(BespokeInvestment)表示,过去八个季度,每当英特尔公布财报收益时,股价都会下跌。

    And as bespoke investment noted , the stock has gapped down each of the past eight quarters Intel has posted earnings .

  28. 英特尔在周一上午发布的一份声明中表示,这位即将离任的CEO将在明年5月份退休。

    The outgoing CEO will retire in May of next year , Intel ( INTC ) saidin a release issued Monday morning .

  29. 你说的是AMD,那个仅次于英特尔(Intel)的全球第二大电脑芯片制造商?

    You mean AMD , as in the second biggest computer chipmaker in the world behind Intel ?

  30. 他补充道,英特尔还在努力提升安全和标准该公司策划建立了工业互联网联盟(IndustrialInternetConsortium)并塑造围绕这项主题的公共政策。

    The company is also working to promote security and standards it helped found the Industrial Internet Consortium and shape public policy around the topic , he added .