
  • 网络organization manual;Organizational Manual;organizational handbook
  1. 重新组织手册,以便于跟踪。

    Reorganized the manual so that it is hopefully easier to follow .

  2. 汉英中国组织机构手册

    Chinese-English Manual of Chinese Organizations

  3. 联合国与国际原子能机构间关系协定联合国及有关国际组织译名手册

    Agreement Governing the Relationship between the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency Directory of UN Organs and Related International Organizations

  4. 在2009年,WHO-IRP发布了《世卫组织室内氡手册》,提出了减少住所氡接触所造成健康风险的建议和政策方案。

    In2009 , WHO-IRP published the WHO handbook on indoor radon , which provides recommendations and policy options for reducing health risks from residential radon exposure .

  5. 联盟拥有一个专职的组织负责支持手册的编辑,课程培训,鉴定程序等工作。

    It has a full time organization supporting it with manuals , training courses , accreditation programs , and the like .

  6. 阿斯伯格综合症是一种发育障碍,属于孤独症范畴。人们对它的认识只有60年的历史,而它的诊断标准在1992年才被收入世界卫生组织的诊断手册。

    Asperger 's - a developmental condition that falls within the autism spectrum - was identified more than 60 years ago but became a standard diagnosis only in 1992 when it entered the World Health Organisation 's diagnostic manual .