
  • 网络organizational conflict
  1. 对企业组织冲突影响二重性的思考

    Pondering over the Dual Character about the Business Organizational Conflict Influence

  2. 科技型人才聚集效应与组织冲突消减的研究

    Effect of Technological Talent Aggregation and Subtraction of Organizational Conflict

  3. 试论学校组织冲突及其激发

    A Tentative Discussion about the Conflicts between Scholastic Organizations and its Stimulation

  4. 甚至有人认为,组织冲突只是因为不同小团体在争权夺利。

    Or , they assume it springs from groups vying for dominance .

  5. 在此基础上编制组织冲突的量表。

    On this basis , the scale of organizational conflicts was established .

  6. 组织冲突对工程项目管理提出了新的要求。

    Organization of the conflict on project management put forward new demands .

  7. 首先分析了一般组织冲突产生的原因。

    Firstly the reason of general organization conflict was given .

  8. 中学校长处理组织冲突风格的研究

    Research on High School President ' Style of Dealing with Organization Conflicts

  9. 我国企业组织冲突的问卷调查分析

    Analysis of the Questionnaire-Assisted Investigation on Organizational Conflicts of Enterprises in China

  10. 政府组织冲突与其他组织冲突相比具有特殊性。

    But government organization conflict is special compared with other organization conflict .

  11. 他们只是简单地认为,组织冲突就是不和谐,或者是组织设计缺陷的体现。

    They think it 's dysfunctional or a sign of poor organizational design .

  12. 由团队成员个性引发的组织冲突确实会带来组织功能的紊乱。

    There are dysfunctional aspects of organizational conflict that are driven by individual personalities .

  13. 大多数组织冲突都是通过影响力得以解决的。

    Most organizational conflicts are resolved through influence .

  14. 他们误解了组织冲突的本质。

    They misunderstand the nature of organizational conflict .

  15. 企业组织冲突的积极作用探析

    Study of Positive Influences of Business Organizational Conflict

  16. 组织冲突研究回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of Research on Organizational Conflict

  17. 美国大学的组织冲突及冲突管理

    Organisational Conflict and Conflict Management in American Universities

  18. 研究发现,组织冲突和组织认同存在很强的负相关关系。

    Research found that organizational conflict has a strong negative correlation with organizational identity .

  19. 文章的最后对政府组织冲突提出了一些对策和化解的办法。

    At last , the methods to resolve the government organization conflict were put forward .

  20. 领导者处理组织冲突的艺术

    Art Which Leaders Treat Conflict of Organization

  21. 论企业组织冲突对企业发展的影响

    On business organizational conflict influence business

  22. 大学组织冲突研究

    Research on Conflicts of University Organization

  23. 二是建立学校组织冲突处理的有效仲裁程序。

    Second , establish the effective arbitrary procedure of dealing with the organization conflicts in school .

  24. 组织冲突中的报酬激励

    Remunerative Inspiration in the Organizational Conflict

  25. 而在组织冲突论的视角下,管理控制在管理过程中才真正具有核心地位。

    From the view of organizational conflict , regulation stands in the center of management process .

  26. 辩证地看待企业组织冲突的影响作用,是实现企业组织冲突有效管理的基本保障。

    It ′ s essential to treat the business organizational conflict influence dialectically before the effective management is achieved .

  27. 与外部和平相关的因素,如军费开支和有组织冲突中的死亡人数,所占权重为40%。

    Those associated with external peace , such as military expenditure and deaths in organised conflict , were weighted at 40 per cent .

  28. 企业组织冲突是一种不可避免的组织行为。它对企业组织发展的影响具有二重性,即消极的、破坏性的影响和积极的、建设性的影响。

    As an unavoidable organizational behavior , the business organizational conflict has double influence ( negative and positive ) upon the business development .

  29. 大部分组织冲突的产生并不是为了自身利益,而是因为不同团队对于公司应采取的行动在观念上存在合理的差别。

    Most organizational conflict springs not from battling egos but from legitimate differences of opinion among different groups about what the business should do .

  30. 企业组织冲突作为一个特定的冲突形态,对企业组织的发展有着消极破坏性和积极建设性的两重影响。

    As the associated behavior of the business organizational conflict is a special one . There are negative and positive influences on the business organizational development .