
  1. 货币价值变动对资金成本的影响

    The influence of the fluctuating money values on the fund cost

  2. 传统的资金成本计算公式没有考虑货币价值变动对资金成本的影响,本文分析了在通货膨胀和通货紧缩的情况下,普通股资金成本、债券资金成本以及加权平均资金成本分别要做出哪些修正。

    How the fluctuating money values influence the fund cost has not been referred to in the traditional fund cost calculating formulas .

  3. 资产价格的不断上扬可能会使货币的流动性变强,从而可能诱发货币供应数量及结构剧烈变动,资金需求产生从生产领域转向非生产领域的变化。

    The continuous rise in asset prices may increase the liquidity of the currency ; making drastic changes in the amount and structure of money supply , making a lot of demand for funds shifting from production to non-production areas .

  4. 可变动规定速动资金流动资产与总资产比率

    Variable required liquid capita sets to total assets

  5. 既没有由于价格变动影响投资者的资金配置而直接产生影响,也没有因为人们担心这么多流动性会加剧通胀而间接产生影响。

    neither directly through reallocation of investor funds due to price movements , nor indirectly due to concerns that all this liquidity would fuel inflation .

  6. 可变动规定速动资金银行要抓紧落实承诺的贷款,要积极引导和动员全社会的资金扩大投资。

    Variable required liquid capita The banks should grant their promised loans as quickly as possible . Energetic efforts should be made to guide and encourage the whole society to use their capital in investment .