
  • 网络organizational communication;organization communication
  1. 我今年xx岁,有很强的组织沟通及人际关系能力。

    This year , I have strong xx organizational communication and interpersonal skills .

  2. 组织沟通是组织存在和发展的必要前提,正如Simon强调指出的没有沟通就没有组织,一个缺乏沟通的组织无法证明其本身存在的意义及发挥应有的功能。

    Organizational communication is to organize a necessary prerequisite for the existence and development . As Simon emphasized that there is no communication there is no organization , the organization that lack of communication can not prove the existence of its own significance and serve their purposes .

  3. 基于信息技术的组织沟通与媒介选择研究

    The Research on Organizational Communication and Media Choice Based Information Technology

  4. 国际营销渠道中文化差异对于跨组织沟通行为的影响

    Impact of Cultural Difference on Interfirm Communication in International Marketing Channels

  5. 传统企业与虚拟企业组织沟通有效性的比较

    Validity Comparison of Organization Communication between Traditional and Virtual Enterprises

  6. 企业级数据共享研究-组织沟通的信息技术支持

    Enterprise ' data-shared researches - organizational communication 's support by information technology

  7. 在80年代初,诠释了革命发生在组织沟通。

    In the early1980s , the interpretive revolution took place in organizational communication .

  8. 这些障碍导致了行政组织沟通不畅,效率低下。

    These obstacles to the administrative organization communication , the efficiency is low .

  9. 组织沟通对工作压力的影响机制分析&应对方式的中介作用

    Organizational Communication and Work Stress : Mediating Effects of Employees ' Response Styles

  10. 就我国经济管理中组织沟通的要素及影响因素进行了分析。

    The paper analyzes the key elements in organizational communication and its influencing factors .

  11. 组织沟通中错误传递的研究

    Researches on Error Transferring in Organization Communication

  12. 建设工程项目组织沟通机理、互动机制及其有效性评价研究

    Research on Organization Communication Mechanism , Interactive Mechanism and Validity Evaluation of the Construction Engineering Project

  13. 最后就今后软件开发组织沟通与协调问题可拓展的研究方向进行了讨论。

    Finally indicated some possible direction on further study of communication and coordination issues in software development organization .

  14. 其二,从管理成本、决策模式、员工激励、组织沟通等不同视角考察文化差异对跨国公司管理诸环节的影响。

    The crucial point of cross-culture management is to study how the cultural difference affects various managerial links .

  15. 在小样本调查的基础上,本文研究了潜变量组织沟通满意度、组织职业生涯管理满意度与组织承诺的指标结构。

    Based on the pilot study , the article studies the structure of variable of OCS , OCMS and OC .

  16. 沟通满意度指个体对其组织沟通各个方面的满意程度。

    The research of teachers'communication satisfaction is significant to measure the quality of organizational communication and reduce the pressure of their work .

  17. 良好的组织沟通能力,在问题处理上有超强能力,对客户需求积极响应。

    Good organizational , interpersonal and strong communication skills , as well as a demonstrated ability in problem solving , and responsiveness to customer needs .

  18. 并且,在中美洲,我们运到巴拿马,哥斯达黎加,洪都拉斯,另外,我们现在正在和萨尔瓦多的两个组织沟通。

    And in Central America we ship to Panama , Costa Rica , Honduras , Guatemala , and we are talking to two organizations in El Salvador .

  19. 沟通在行政管理中发挥着重要作用,有研究表明,77%的管理问题都与组织沟通的有效性相关。

    Communication plays an important role in the administration , studies have shown that 77 % of management and organizational issues related to the effectiveness of communication .

  20. 而本论文另一个研究结论:关于组织沟通模式对企业员工关系网络的影响,为企业管理实践提供了操作目标。

    The other result of this research that the ways of communication determine the structure of interpersonal relationships network , also provide the management practice with practical objects .

  21. 在德性与德行之间&中西哲学良知论的差异与沟通国际营销渠道中文化差异对于跨组织沟通行为的影响

    Integration between Virtue and Tugend : On the Difference and Communication between Chinese and Western Conscience View ; Impact of Cultural Difference on Interfirm Communication in International Marketing Channels

  22. 中学校长&教师沟通行为与教师职业幸福感相关研究国际营销渠道中文化差异对于跨组织沟通行为的影响

    The Relationships among the Principal 's Communication Behavior and the Teachers ' Occupational Well-being in the Middle School Impact of Cultural Difference on Interfirm Communication in International Marketing Channels

  23. 第四部分介绍了网络技术对企业内部商务沟通产生的积极影响,从管理沟通原理的角度分析了为什么网络/电子化沟通手段能够提高组织沟通绩效的原因。

    In the fourth part , the author tries to analyze the reason why e-communication tools can improve the general exchange performance of ABB with a perspective upon the communication principle in organization .

  24. 通过大样本调查,又进一步探索了组织沟通满意度、组织职业生涯管理满意度和组织承诺的指标结构。

    And with the data of large sample , the article studies the structure of variable of organizational communication satisfaction , organizational career management satisfaction and organizational commitment again by the exploratory factor analysis .

  25. 分析了影响两类企业组织沟通有效性差别的核心因素,为提高企业组织沟通的有效性提供理论和实践基础。

    An analysis is made on core factors affecting the difference in the validity of organization communication , thus providing a theoretical and practical foundation for enterprises to enhance the validity of organization communication .

  26. 减少甚至丢弃一些其他任务(至少是当下),并清晰地同你的组织沟通你的侧重点会在哪里、什么可能不再会交付。

    Reduce or even drop some of the other tasks ( at least for now ), and clearly communicate to your organization where your focus will be , and what may no longer be delivered .

  27. 在此基础上,从沟通水平、沟通平台、沟通机制、沟通文化等方面构建团队绩效提升的认识框架,以期丰富和完善组织沟通及其建设的基本思路。

    From the level of communication . communication platforms , communication , communication , cultural , and other areas , it also enhances the understanding framework of team performance with a view to enriching and improving the basic theories of organization communication .

  28. 而虚拟企业的组织沟通效率却好于传统企业,虚拟企业的组织沟通的时效性好,沟通返工率低,沟通的信息有用比高。

    But the efficiency of organization communication of the virtual enterprise is better than the traditional enterprise as the organization communication of the virtual enterprise is good in aging , low in communication reworking rate and high in communication information usefulness rate .

  29. 主要有以下内容:(1)满足疾病预防控制人员的工作职位需求;(2)加强组织沟通,塑造良好的人文环境;(3)优化薪酬体系,强化激励机制。

    A following contents : ( 1 ) Contented the work post need of disease prevention control the person-nel ;( 2 ) Strengthen an organization communication , mold good humanities environment ; ( 3 ) Excellent turn a salary of system , enhance to encourage a mechanism .

  30. 高阶主管应确保已制定HSF相关责任与职权,并在组织内沟通。

    Top management shall ensure that HSF related responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated within the organization .