
  • 网络The Nippon Foundation
  1. 同一年,Borlaug与美国前总统吉米•卡特以及日本财团一起建立了一个非洲农业项目。

    That same year , Borlaug together with then-US president Jimmy Carter and the Nippon Foundation of Japan established an agricultural programme for Africa .

  2. 该日本财团还签订了一份从browse购买液化天然气的长期协议。

    The Japanese consortium also signed a long-term agreement to buy LNG from browse .

  3. 那家日本财团因为那幅画花了一笔巨款。

    The Japanese firm paid a small fortune for the painting .

  4. 中石油的参与以及一个日本财团的投资,令“我们感到该项目的开发如今已成为可能”。

    With the involvement of PetroChina together with investment from a Japanese consortium , " we see development as now likely " .

  5. 20世纪90年代泡沫经济破灭后,日本财团经过分化与重组,形成了三大金融控股集团。

    Since the overturn of bubble economy in 1990 's , Japanese property groups have been differentiated and recombined , forming three big finance holding companies .

  6. 库珀20岁时叔父逝世,突然得到一笔巨款。那家日本财团因为那幅画花了一笔巨款。

    When Cooper was twenty , his uncle died and a large amount of money came his way . The Japanese firm paid a small fortune for the painting .

  7. 通过对日本财团、日本科学协会、日本图书馆以及赠书环节的实地考察和参观,对日本科技、历史、文化、城乡面貌、风俗人情都有所揭示。

    The passage discovers science and technology , history , culture , custom and scenery in Japan by the investigation and study on some finance organizations , science associations , libraries and book-donation ceremonies .

  8. 印度正出口着一种公司模式,其借鉴了韩国财阀、日本财团、巴西商业巨头和现行美欧企业模式。

    India is exporting a corporate form which owes as much to South Korea 's chaebol , Japan 's keiretsu and Brazil 's barons as it does to a current American or European ideal of the firm .

  9. 该小提琴由“日本音乐财团”出售。

    It 's being sold by Japan 's Nippon Music Foundation .

  10. 本文是在日本造船振兴财团的经费赞助下在中国渤海地区发展海底地震观测的初步技术报告。

    The present paper is a preliminary technical report of the development of ocean-bottom seismograph observation in the Bohai Sea area of China , conducted under financial support from Japan Foundation for Shipbuilding Advancement .