
  • 网络Karl Popper;Karl Pop-per
  1. 卡尔·波普尔;卡尔·马克思;历史主义;试错法;

    Karl Popper ; Karl Marx ; Historicism ; trial and error ;

  2. 而是如卡尔·波普尔所说,充满着理论假设

    It 's always , as Karl Popper put it , theory-laden .

  3. 卡尔·波普尔与生物进化论卡尔·巴特的神学思想

    Evolutionism and the Philosophy System of Karl Popper Karl Bath 's theological theories

  4. 历史理性如何可能&评卡尔·波普尔的历史观

    On the Possibility of the Historic Rationality on the Historic View of Karl · Beopul

  5. 卡尔·波普尔是对错误感兴趣的哲学家之一。

    Karl.R.Popper is a science philosopher who devoted much attention to the studies of errors .

  6. 卡尔·波普尔和卡尔·马克思

    Karl Popper and Karl Marx

  7. 卡尔·波普尔不仅是一位科学(自然科学)哲学家,而且是一位社会科学(技术)哲学家。

    Karl Popper is not only a philosopher of science ( natural sciences ), but also a philosopher of social sciences ( technology ) .

  8. 在历史哲学中,卡尔·波普尔针对马克思的历史决定论提出了反历史决定论的观点。

    In his philosophy of history , Karl · Popper put forward his viewpoint of opposing historical determinism in order to combat the historical determinism of Karl · Marx .

  9. 翻译研究同其他一切人文领域的知识一样永远处于讨论状态(卡尔·波普尔),其间的每一阶段都有很多学者前辈为更深入、合理地认识翻译而付出的艰辛。

    As any other areas of Humanities , Translation Studies will always " be in the state of discussion forever " ( Karl Popper ) . In each phase of it , lots of venerable theorists have done hard work .

  10. 知识进化是科学哲学研究的一个重要课题,卡尔·波普尔、托马斯·库恩、保尔·费耶阿本德等人在深入研究的基础上,从不同角度提出了科学知识的进化模式。

    Knowledge evolution has been an important proposition in the subject of Philosophy of Science , philosophers like Karl . Popper , Thomas . Kuhn , Paul . Feyerabend etc. put forward their patterns of the scientific knowledge evolution from different points of view after lucubrating .