
  • 网络Locke;john locke;John Lock
  1. 我们可以说,导致我们现在如此专注于育儿的,是政治哲学家约翰·洛克(Johnlocke)。

    We can blame the political philosopher John Locke for our current child-rearing preoccupations .

  2. 这是约翰·洛克提出的,他是伟大的英国哲学家,他认为,这个问题太大。

    Now these worries were raised by John Locke the great British philosopher , and he thought , this is too big a pill to swallow .

  3. 约翰·洛克变成了避孕药的推广者和评论家。

    John Rock became the Pill 's chief promoter and chief publicist .

  4. 也许约翰·洛克本人作为天主教徒,也在很大程度上鼓励了女性们服用避孕药。

    So John Rock as a Catholic probably did an enormous amount to encourage women to take the Pill .

  5. 只有天主教医学家,约翰·洛克,亲眼看到了避孕药对美国的全面影响。

    Only her Catholic doctor , John Rock , would live to see the Pill 's full impact on American society .

  6. 约翰·洛克也考虑过道德方面的问题,但他仍然坚信,避孕药不会与他的信仰相冲突。

    John Rock was also concerned about morality , but he fervently believed the Pill did not conflict with the tenets of his church .

  7. 约翰·洛克是欧洲哲学史上著名的哲学家,西方近代经验论的集大成者。

    John Loke is a famous philosopher in the history of European philosophy , the comprehensive expression of one of theory of western modern experience .

  8. 约翰·洛克时期,不列颠经验主义传统的主要领导者,是欧洲文艺复兴后最有影响力的哲学家之一。

    Time period of John Locke , a major leader of the British empiricist tradition , and one of the most influential philosophers of post-renaissance Europe .

  9. 约翰·洛克是十七世纪英国著名的哲学家、政治思想家、自由主义和古典自然法学派的主要代表。

    John Locke , a famous British philosopher and political thinker , is the main representative of liberalism and classical natural law school in the seventeenth century .

  10. 这个观点是英国哲学家约翰·洛克提出的,他有一名句:人格是由意识的同一性构成的。

    This is an idea attributed to the English philosopher John Locke , who famously wrote personal identity is made up of what he called sameness of consciousness .

  11. 然后,在第四章,论文逐一分析了威廉·布莱克对教会、艾萨克·牛顿和约翰·洛克进行的不懈斗争以及他的想象力理论。

    Then , in chapter ⅳ, the thesis analyzes William Blake 's mental fight against the Church , Isaac Newton and John Locke as well as his theory of Imagination .

  12. 约翰·洛克的体育思想是其教育思想的重要组成部分,他的体育思想集中体现在以下四个方面:健康之精神寓于健康之身体;

    John · Locke 's thought on sports is an important part of his education thought , its core includes four aspects . As follows : metal health depends on body health ;

  13. 约翰·洛克是近代英国影响最大的启蒙思想家之一,他的思想对西方近现代政治法律理论的发展影响十分深远。

    John Locke was one of the most famous British enlightenment thinkers of the modern times , his thoughts had a great influence on the development of modern and contemporary western political and legal theories .

  14. 约翰·洛克,我想他曾经也是牛津大学的一员,曾经说过:“对抗外部世界的唯一屏障就是对它的彻底认知,越早越好。”是的,越早越好。

    John Locke , who I believe was one of you , once said , " The only fence against the world is a thorough knowledge of it , and the earlier the better . " So yeah , the earlier the better .