
  • 网络John Cox;John CarringtonCox;John Carrington Cox;John H. Cox;JohnCarrington Cox
  1. 大瑟尔的波斯特农庄酒店的大厨约翰·考克斯在四月发现了一种省水新技术,他拼装出一台空气压缩机,把盘中的剩余食品在放入洗碗机之前吹下去,消息传开后,他顿时成了厨师们心目中的英雄。

    John Cox , a chef at the Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur , became an instant folk hero among chefs on the hunt for water-saving techniques in April , when word spread that he had rigged up an air compressor to blow the food off plates before putting them in the dishwasher .