
  • 网络farmer entrepreneurship
  1. 外部环境的优劣影响农民创业机会的多少和农民对创业的获得及把握。

    Differences of exterior environment influence the quantity and availability of opportunity of farmer entrepreneurship .

  2. 对农民创业的理解我们不能简单在创业前面增加一个限定性的词语农民。

    We can not understand farmer entrepreneurship as a simple addition of confined word " farmer " in front of entrepreneurship .

  3. 专业技术是农民创业能力的重要保障。

    Professional technology is an important guarantee of the capacity of venture .

  4. 台湾农民创业园是一个新生事物。

    Taiwan farmers Pioneer Park is a new thing .

  5. 基层公共图书馆引导农民创业致富的思考

    Thoughts on Guiding Farmers to Enterprise Pioneering and Becoming Rich by Public Libraries

  6. 新型农民创业培植研究

    Study on the New-type Peasants to Start an Undertaking

  7. 台湾土地政策与农民创业基本模式形成的研究

    The Study on Taiwan 's Land Policies and Farmers ' Enterprise Mode forms

  8. 江西省农民创业调查分析及对策研究

    A Research on Farmers ' Entrepreneurship in Jiangxi

  9. 创业能力的强弱将直接影响农民创业的进程。

    The ability of entrepreneurial is strong or weak will directly affect its process .

  10. 发达地区和欠发达地区农民创业的对比研究

    Comparison and Analysis of Farmers ' Business Creation in Developed Region and Underdeveloped Region

  11. 四川省农民创业现状及影响因素分析

    Entrepreneurial Farmers in Sichuan Province and Its Influencing Factors Analysis of the Status Quo

  12. 激活农村的资金要素市场,化解农民创业的资金瓶颈。

    Activate the rural financial factor markets and resolve the farmers ' entrepreneurial capital bottleneck .

  13. 同时希望本研究能为完善我国农民创业服务体系提供一定的理论依据。

    While this study can improve peasant incubation service system to provide certain theoretical basis .

  14. 中国农民创业问题研究

    Study on the Peasants Entrepreneurship in China

  15. 最后提出了促进我国农民创业的一些对策和建议。

    Finally this paper proposed some countermeasures and suggestions to promote our country farmers entrepreneurship .

  16. 自身素质(心理素质和能力素质)是影响农民创业能力的重要因素。

    Self quality ( including psychological quality and capability quality ) plays an important role .

  17. 体制和制度是影响农民创业能力的客观因素。

    System and institution are objective factors which affect the capacity of farmers ' venture .

  18. 台湾农民创业园是两岸农业合作交流的新型模式。

    The development park for Taiwan farmers is a new model of cross-strait agricultural cooperation and exchanges .

  19. 刘强东表示,京东还开发了多种电子金融产品来促进农民创业。

    Liu added that the company has also invented multiple e-finance products to boost entrepreneurship among farmers .

  20. 甘肃省农民创业培训问题研究&以培训机构为主体

    Study on Entrepreneurship Training of Farmers in Gansu Province & A training institutions as the main body

  21. 在这个大的背景下,本研究试图以农民创业作为研究的切入点,从宏观角度对我国农民创业进行研究。

    Therefore , the problem of farmers ' entrepreneurship has been investigated in a macro-scale in this paper .

  22. 完善农民创业服务体系,为创业农民营造一个宽松、优良的外部环境。

    Improve the service system of entrepreneurship and create a relaxed , good external environment for entrepreneurial farmers .

  23. 建立完备的农民创业保障体系,降低农民创业风险并提高他们的风险承受能力。

    Establish a complete farmers ' entrepreneurial security system to reduce farmers ' entrepreneurial risks and increase their risk-tolerance .

  24. 主要研究结论1、一般研究结论(1)农民创业是农村建设与发展的内生性增长动力的源泉。

    General Conclusions ( 1 ) Farmers entrepreneurship is the source of endogenous growth of rural construction and development .

  25. 自身素质是创业能力的核心组成部分,对农民创业产生直接影响。

    Their own quality is the core component of capacity of venture , has a direct impact on it .

  26. 天津地区农民创业的障碍与对策&基于蓟县农民的问卷调查

    The Obstacles and Countermeasures of the Farmers Entrepreneurship in Tianjin & Based on the Questionnaire of the Jixian County

  27. 目前,两岸学术界对台湾农民创业园成果比较稀少、比较零碎。

    At present , the cross-strait academic achievement Pioneer Park in Taiwan are relatively few farmers , more fragmented .

  28. 体制性因素对农民创业的影响主要是通过我国社会经济中存在的二元结构以及由此而形成的独特的农村制度体现的。

    The effect of institutional factors is reflected through the dual-economic structure and the unique rural institution caused by it .

  29. 因所处的环境和主体的差异,导致农民创业者具体选择的差异。

    Because the difference of their environment and main body , leading to the difference of specific choice farmers entrepreneurs .

  30. 以县农广校为基地构建创业培训新模式&基于武胜县农民创业培训调查的思考

    Based on agriculture TV broadcast school in counties , establishing new model of fostering pathbreakers & about investigation of wusheng County