
  • 网络rural entrepreneurship
  1. 高等农业院校毕业生农村创业问题研究

    Graduates of Agricultural Colleges and Universities Research on Rural Entrepreneurship

  2. 金融危机背景下浙江省高校毕业生到农村创业的意向调查研究

    Research of Intention of College Graduates on Rural Entrepreneurship under the Background of Financial Crisis

  3. 大学生农村创业基地建设&以凤阳县大学生创业基地为例

    The Entrepreneurial Base Construction of Students in the Countryside & An Example of the Students Entrepreneurial Base in FengYang

  4. 该数据发布之前,政府刚出台了鼓励人们在农村创业的一系列指导意见。

    The data was released after the government released a set of guidelines encouraging people to start businesses in the countryside .

  5. 通过给农村创业青年提供小额贷款,帮助他们实现创业,是促进农业增产、农民增收和农村经济发展的重要渠道。

    To providing microcredit for rural entrepreneurial youth and help them achieve business is an important channel to promoting agricultural production and peasants and rural economic development .

  6. 吉林省高校开设研究生体育课的可行性研究高等农业院校毕业生农村创业问题研究

    Feasibility Study of the Opening of Postgraduate Physical Education Courses at the Institutions of Higher Learning in Jilin Province ; Graduates of Agricultural Colleges and Universities Research on Rural Entrepreneurship

  7. 因此,大学生村官在农村创业过程中需要积极动员所能取得的社会资本,并运用社会资本整合创业资源,为创业富民准备条件。

    Therefore the students village officials need to actively mobilize the social capital that can be obtained in the process of rural entrepreneurs , and use social capital to integrate entrepreneurial resources , and prepare conditions for entrepreneurship .

  8. 但缺乏创业资金是青年尤其是农村青年创业面临的首要问题。

    However , the primary problem confronting the youths is lacking innovating funds .

  9. 柴会龙是许许多多在农村找到创业新机遇的年轻人之一。

    Chai is one of many young people who have found great career opportunities in rural areas .

  10. 井冈山老区大学生农村就业创业现状调查分析

    A Survey and Analysis of the Current Situation of College Students ' Employment and Self-employment in Rural Areas of Jinggangshan District

  11. 但是,受社会环境以及小额贷款运营过程、业务发展、自身管理等多方面因素的影响,农村青年创业小额贷款业务的发展与农村创业青年的创业愿望相比还有较大差距。

    However , due to the influence of social environment , operation process loans , business development and management , the rural youths still have far away from their wishes .

  12. 生态农业&洪湖农村二次创业的战略选择

    Ecoagriculture : The strategy choice for rural development in Honghu City

  13. 农村实用人才创业培训的实践与研究

    Practice and Research on Entrepreneurial Training of Rural Practical Talents

  14. 论面向农村的科技创业教育与培训

    On Technological Enterprise Education and Training for Rural Area

  15. 专家表示,农村是片创业的“沃土”。

    For start-up businesses , experts recommend rural areas as a good platform .

  16. 随着个人创业现象的兴起,农村微型企业创业也逐渐发展起来。

    With the rise of individual business , rural micro enterprise startup is also gradually in development .

  17. 其中可能也包括通过特定的项目鼓励农村地区大众创业、万众创新。

    This may also include the encouragement of mass entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas through more specific programs .

  18. 然而,农村微型企业创业者创业能力的不足制约了农村微型企业的持续生存和发展扩大。

    However , the lack of entrepreneurial competency of entrepreneurs restricts rural micro enterprises ' continuous survival and future development .

  19. 多家互联网巨头日前承诺,将进一步在中国农村地区促进创业并推动创新增长。目前中国农村地区网民数量达到了1.95亿。

    Internet moguls have pledged to further promote entrepreneurship and boost innovative growth in rural China , where netizens top 195 million .

  20. 此外,陈晓华还表示,过去居住在城镇的科学家和技术人员等约130万的城市人口,选择了来到了农村地区下乡创业。

    Meanwhile , rural China has attracted 1.3 million urban people , including scientists and technicians , from their homes in cities to participate in rural entrepreneurship , Chen said .

  21. 第二部分对本研究所涉及的农村微型企业创业、个体信息能力、创业绩效的已有研究进行综合述评,对相关概念、研究方法、研究结论进行较为系统的归纳梳理。

    The second part review existing research about rural micro-enterprises , individual information ability , business performance , and generalize relevant concepts , research methods , research findings from existing documentation .

  22. 农民在创业活动中对信息的需求较为强烈,但创业者本身的信息能力却比较薄弱,研究农村微型企业创业者的信息能力具有积极的现实意义。

    Farmers have a great need for information in the business activities , but their information ability is weak . Studying the rural micro-enterprise entrepreneurs ' information ability has a positive practical significance .

  23. 本部分运用探索性的案例研究方法,在14个农村微型企业创业者的访谈数据基础上,揭示为了农村微型企业的生存,农民创业者社会资本的动态发展趋势以及背后的原因。

    Using an explorative case study and based on the interview data of 14 farmer entrepreneurs , this section discloses the trend of farmer entrepreneurs ' social capital dynamics and the causes behind this trend .

  24. 为了更好地解决三农问题,增强我国农业竞争力,构建社会主义和谐社会,面向农村地区开展创业教育与培训是解决上述问题的有效方法之一。

    In order to solve the problems of peasants , agriculture and rural area effectively , enforce agriculture 's international competitive ability , construct harmonious society in China , we think it is an efficient method to develop the enterprise education and training in rural area .

  25. 农村家族式企业创业者特征与组织创新的模式选择

    Characteristics of Entrepreneurs of Rural Family Firm and Pattern Selection of Organizational Innovation

  26. 农村职业学校学生创业能力培养的实现形式

    A Brief Talk on Realization Forms of Students ' Pioneering Ability in Rural Vocational Schools

  27. 鼓励来自农村的大学生返乡创业,还能带动农村社会经济事业的发展,缩小城乡的差距,促进社会和谐。

    Students from rural areas to encourage home business , but also promote the cause of rural social economic development and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas , promote social harmony .