
  1. 风险投资是对创业企业的创新项目的投资,是对具有创新内容的创业企业的投资。

    Venture capital is the venture investment in innovation projects , is to invest in start-ups with innovative content .

  2. 进行创业教育评价能有利于创业教育顺利进行,对创业教育评价涉及到创业教育的评价内容及创业教育的评价方法。

    The evaluation of entrepreneurship education , which involves its scopes and methods , is beneficial to enterprising education .

  3. 假如你对本风险披露声明的内容或创业板市场的性质及在创业板买卖的股份所涉风险有不明白之处,应寻求独立的专业意见。

    You should seek independent professional advice if you are uncertain of or have not understood any aspect of this risk disclosure statement or the nature and risks involved in trading of GEM stocks .

  4. 本章内容介绍了创业板的基本概念,创业板退市制度的基础概念,创业板市场的退市制度对证券市场发展的重要意义,创业板市场退市制度的基础分类和各自特点。

    This chapter introduces the gem content to withdraw from the market system of the basic concept of gem delisted system classification and characteristics .

  5. 首先,综述了文化价值观、社会网络和人力资本的基本内容以及与创业的关系;其次,阐述了我国东西部在这三方面的各自特点和存在的差异。

    Firstly , the dissertation reviews cultural values , social networks and human capital literature and studies the relations between them and self-employment . Secondly , the characters of eastern and western regions in these three aspects have been researched .

  6. 以资源依附理论和经济学供需理论为理论基础构建创业环境研究理论框架,所构建的研究框架以创业资源需求与供给为基本关系,主要包括四部分内容:即创业企业战略目标决定创业资源需求;

    Based on the view of resource dependence theory and supply-demand theory in economics , the framework for entrepreneurship environment research is built with entrepreneurship resource demand and supply as the basic relation , including four sections : firstly , the strategic goal determines the resource demand of new ventures ;

  7. 文章丰富大学生创业观教育内容,为大学生创业观研究提供一定的理论参考。

    Students start the article view rich content of education for students of entrepreneurship concept provides a theoretical reference .

  8. 创业板市场的信息披露应比主板市场更严格,对需披露的信息的内容应能反映创业板市场及其上市公司的特点。

    Comparing with MSEM , information disclosure system on GEM is much stricter . Information disclosed can reflect character of GEM and company listed .

  9. 为了充分探究创业战略的重要作用,本文根据研究内容与目的将创业战略解构为成本领先战略与差异化战略。

    In order to fully explore the role of entrepreneurial strategy , we divide the entrepreneurial strategy into cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy .

  10. 创业教育有其丰富的内容,一般包含创业意识教育、创业品质教育、创业知识教育和创业能力教育。

    The enterprising education has its own rich content , including enterprising awareness education , enterprising quality education , enterprising knowledge education and enterprising ability education .

  11. 随着我国创业投资实践的不断深入,创业投资保险制度作为创业投资金融保障体系的重要内容,大力推进创业投资保险制度构建具有重要作用。

    With the unceasingly developed practice of our venture capital , establishing the insurance system of our venture capital has vital role because it will be the important content of the finance safeguard system .

  12. 针对第三部分内容,从对创业教育认识定位、高校学生思想受限滞后的创业教育课程体系、薄弱的师资力量及缺乏良好的创业环境等五方面展开分析。

    In the third part , from the enterprise education of College Students ' ideological understanding , restricted lag of course system of enterprise education , weak teachers strength and lack of good business environment in five aspects of analysis .