
  • 网络internal promotion;promotion from within
  1. 长期雇佣、内部晋升以及因岗设酬是内部劳动力市场的主要特征。

    Long-term employment relationships , promotion from within and pay attached to jobs are key features of internal labor markets .

  2. 但Enterprise认为,由于公司的内部晋升政策,它依然从培训中获得了积极的投资回报。

    But Enterprise claims that its return on investment is still positive because of its internal promotion policy .

  3. 第二,为什么WilliamChan内部晋升与外部聘用的经典模型并不能很好地解释经济发展过程中的企业高层管理人员调整的内在机制?

    Why the classical model by William Chan can not explain external recruitment of managers as a phenomenon during economic development ?

  4. 从内部晋升,这是3M公司的基本原则,即在公司出现职位空缺时,首先考虑本公司员工,提供给他们提升的机会。

    It is the policy of3M , whenever possible , to fill vacancies within the organization , thus providing opportunities of continued advancement for employees .

  5. 黑莓撤掉了首席执行长海因斯(ThorstenHeins),他在近两年前从公司内部晋升这一职位,但未能让公司调整好方向。取代海因斯的是前SybaseInc.首席执行长JohnChen。

    BlackBerry replaced CEO Thorsten Heins , who failed to right the ship after he was promoted from within to turn the company around almost two years ago , with former Sybase Inc. CEO John Chen .

  6. 内部晋升与外部招聘抉择的策略研究

    A Strategic Study on Choice of Internal Promotion and External Recruitment

  7. 公司的政策是否由内部晋升?

    Is it organizational policy to promote from within ?

  8. 企业内部晋升遭遇彼得原理的对策分析

    Countermeasure Analysis to Internal Promotion of Enterprise on the Basis of Peter Principle

  9. 经济发展中的企业内部晋升与外部聘用&来自中国的理论、案例及含义

    Internal Promotion and External Recruitment during Economic Development : Theory , Cases and Implication from China

  10. 在第五章中我们结合中国的实际总结出解释发展经济中的企业内部晋升与外部聘用的理论。

    The 5th chapter is our theory about external recruitment during economic development based on the experience of China .

  11. 最后,未发现相关治理机制与内部晋升之间的互动关系。

    Finally , this paper does not find any significant interactive impact between the governance mechanisms and the internal promotion .

  12. 32%的女性称她们的雇主没有提供足够多的内部晋升机会,有30%的男性持有同样的观点。

    Thirty-two percent of women said their employers don 't provide sufficient opportunities for internal advancement , compared with 30 % of men .

  13. 在日本公司治理结构中存在着交叉持股,终身雇佣,内部晋升者经营等做法;在企业关系上存在着主银行制度,系列制等关系。

    " Cross-shareholding ", " lifetime employment ", " insider management ", " main bank system " and other practices exist in Japanese corporate governance .

  14. 内部晋升的竞赛模型和延期报酬模型向我们证明了内部劳动力市场的存在不仅是合理的,而且是有效率的。

    The tournament model and delayed payment model are to prove the existence of internal labor market , not only reasonable , but also effective .

  15. 但在稽查员有内部晋升机会的条件下,加强对监管人的监督,会增加稽查员的腐败。

    However , under other conditions such as the condition of tax collectors owning the chances of inner promotion , strengthening the supervision of the tax inspectors may increase the level of corruption of the tax collectors .

  16. 通过内部晋升选拔人才是军队惯常的做法,良好的内部晋升制度,有利于保持军官队伍的稳定性,增强军人提升能力和努力工作的意愿。

    Our army always uses internal promotion to select talents . A good internal promotion system is helpful to maintain the stability of the officer corps and enhance military capability as well as their willingness to work hard . 4 .

  17. 有人提议,如果一个公司想要顺利转变,且以内部晋升为目标,它就应该为职员提供英语课程来降低企业晋升台阶,而不应只把注意力集中在高管身上。

    It is suggested that if a company wants a smooth changeover and aims to promote people from within the firm , it ought to offer English lessons to staffers lower down the corporate ladder , and not just focus on executives .

  18. 他在强生公司内部获得晋升的同时也取得了沃顿商学院(Wharton)的MBA学位。

    Starting in pharmaceutical sales in 1988 , he earned his MBA at Wharton while climbing the corporate ranks .

  19. 关于如何在公司内部获得晋升,习惯性思维是强调学习新技能的重要性、改善缺点。

    The conventional wisdom on moving up the corporate ladder often stresses the importance of gaining new skills or improving weaknesses .

  20. 本文将企业内部的晋升问题分解为晋升人员选拔和岗位分配问题,首次将智能理论应用于企业内部晋升问题的研究。

    Promotion inside the enterprise is divided into selection of promotion and job-matching and intelligent theory is applied to study promotion question inside the corporation .

  21. 企业内部的晋升受员工性别、年龄、经验、资历、教育水平、工作岗位、绩效、企业文化以及岗位匹配等诸多因素的影响。

    The promotion inside the enterprise is influenced by gender , age , seniority , education , job , performance , job-matching , and so on .

  22. 最佳方式之一是刺激员工向更高水平的工作执行,表明这样做可以在在公司内部得到晋升。

    One of the best way to spur employees to higher levels of performance is to show them that doing so needs to promotions within the company .

  23. 一旦有了工作,私人或政府部门会计师就有了保障,而且,他们通常有机会在公司内部得到晋升,像我们提到的,有时可以升到公司的最高层。

    Once on the job , private or governmental accountants have security , and they are usually given the chance to move upward in the company & sometimes , as we have noted , to the top .

  24. •Mac专家(苹果零售店):公司内部很难晋升到管理层。

    • MAC Specialist ( Apple Store ) : hard to internally grow into management .

  25. 但大多数人都成功在公司内部获得了晋升。三分之一左右的人跳槽到新公司。

    But the majority are successful in gaining promotion within their company . And about a third move to a new company .

  26. 因此,国有企业内部劳动力市场虽然具有长期雇佣、内部晋升、报酬后置等特点,但偏离了理论结果。

    Therefore , the internal labor markets of the state-owned enterprises have some characteristics such as long-term employment , promotion and later remuneration but they have some deviations compared with the theory .

  27. 内部劳动力市场有着不同于外部劳动力市场的一系列运行特征,其中,长期雇佣、报酬后置和内部晋升是内部劳动力市场的明显特征。

    The internal labor market has a series of characteristics different with external labor market , which are long-term employment , the delayed payment and interior promotion .