
nèi bù jiāo yì
  • internal transaction
  1. 论合并报表内部交易事项的抵销

    On the Offset of the Internal Transaction Items in Combined Statement

  2. 阿里巴巴可以利用其大数据优势,通过查看内部交易数据以评估风险。

    Alibaba can exploit its Big Data advantage by looking at its internal transaction data to assess risk .

  3. 本文以Gong和Zhou(2010)模型为原型,对内部交易问题做了扩展研究。

    By the model in Gong and Zhou ( 2010 ) as the prototype , we expand the study of the insider trading problem .

  4. 摩根士丹利也加入了越来越多银行的行列,组建暗流动资金(darkliquidity)池,即匿名撮合买卖定单的内部交易平台。这一举措似乎将对股票交易所构成直接挑战。

    Morgan Stanley is also joining the growing list of banks that are laying down what seems to be a direct challenge to stock exchanges , by forming pools of " dark liquidity ", which are internal trading platforms that anonymously match buy and sell orders .

  5. 挤压纽交所市场空间的不仅有bats之类的新兴交易所,还有“暗池”供机构间进行大宗交易的私募交易所以及进行内部交易的银行。

    The NYSE has been squeezed out not only by upstart exchanges such as bats , but by " dark pools " private exchanges on which institutions trade with each other in large blocks and by banks making transactions internally .

  6. 论金融企业集团内部交易的法律控制

    A Study of Legal Restraint on Financial Group 's Internal Transactions

  7. 浅析内部交易存货的抵销原理

    The Brief Analysis Interior Transaction Stores Goods Offsets the Principle

  8. 内部交易是否会影响到市场的公正性?

    Is the inside trading fair for the whole market ?

  9. 企业内部交易价格的制定与利益冲突

    Inner Transfer Pricing and Conflicts of Interest in an Enterprise

  10. 而拉贾拉特南已经因涉嫌策划一个内部交易圈而受审。

    Rajaratnam has gone on trial for allegedly masterminding an insider-trading ring .

  11. 集团公司内部交易事项的含义、类型、消除方法。

    The definition , the varieties and the elimination way of intra-company transaction ;

  12. 金融控股公司内部交易产生不良贷款的分析与监管

    Analysis and supervision of non-performing loans from inside transaction of financial holding company

  13. 限制金融企业集团内部交易数额研究

    On Intra - group Transaction Limits of Financial Conglomerates

  14. 投资研究分析家的独立以及内部交易等事项授权制定的规则。

    Independence of investment research analysts and insider trading .

  15. 内部交易是违法的,不违法怎么能够发财。

    Internal trade , it is illegal not illegal how can be rich .

  16. 因内部交易和证券欺诈指控受到传讯。

    Arraigned on insider-trading and securities fraud charges .

  17. 除了违反公司政策之外,内部交易和透露内部信息也是违法行为。

    In addition to violating Company policy , Insider Trading and Tipping are illegal .

  18. 考虑了参与兼并的上、下游企业之间内部交易价格信息的不对称,或者说是信息不完全。

    This text studied the asymmetry or imperfect information of prices between the vertical integrated firms .

  19. 上市公司利用内部交易进行盈余管理的分析

    Analysis of How Internal Transactions Are Used as a Way of Earnings Management in Chinese Listed Firms

  20. 福瑞内部交易结算矛盾时有发生,对企业管理造成较大困扰。

    Many problems caused by internal transactions have occurred , causing the internal management of enterprises large disturbance .

  21. 金融控股集团内部交易的规范有赖于内控机制建设、外部监管、市场披露三个层面的共同作用。

    For effective regulation of financial holding conglomerate relys on collective use of internal control , external supervision and market disclosure .

  22. 法案是综合性的,涵盖利益冲突,不合法的或其他不合理的支付行为,反竞争指导,和内部交易等。

    Codes are comprehensive , addressing conflicts of interest , illegal or other improper payments , anticompetitive guidelines , and insider trading .

  23. ph.1.(尤指股票的)非法内部交易;内幕交易股票市场机构和内部人交易信息披露的信息含量研究

    Insider dealing The Research of Information Content of the Publication of Institutional Investors and Insiders ' Trading Information in China Stock Market

  24. 这是在调查内部交易案过程中,该监管机构首次获准冻结嫌疑人资产。

    It was the first time the regulator had been allowed to freeze the assets of a suspect during an insider-dealing probe .

  25. 公司已经为伦敦证券交易所开发了一个通过发现投资者的超常规交易,限制内部交易的系统。

    It has developed systems for the London Stock Exchange to curb insider dealing by detecting out of the ordinary transactions by investors .

  26. 为了降低内部交易成本,大量运用股份制和法人治理,并建立了等级森严的金字塔式的组织结构。

    To decrease the internal transaction cost , contemporary enterprises carried out shareholding institution and corporate governance and thus established a pyramid-style organization .

  27. 本文以内部交易为契合点,对内部资本市场中的盈余管理行为进行深入研究。

    Based on internal transactions fit , this paper takes a deep research in the behavior of earnings management in internal capital market .

  28. 银行应在识别客户身分及保留内部交易记录方面实施具体程序,以确保能遵守这些原则。

    To promote adherence to these principles , banks should implement specific procedures for customer identification and for retaining internal records of transactions .

  29. 苹果调查案的焦点是“转移定价”,指企业通过内部交易将利润转移到低税司法管辖区。

    The Apple probe centres on " transfer pricing , " a practice by which companies move profits to low-tax jurisdictions through internal transactions .

  30. 中国银行系统绝大部分的交易都是内部交易,有关银行健康状况的关键数据都带有主观色彩。

    The Chinese banking system trades disproportionately with itself , and much of the critical information about bank stability is colored by the data sources .