
  • 网络internal auditing risk
  1. 如何规避内部审计风险

    How to Avoid Internal Auditing Risk

  2. 如何规避内部审计风险已成为内部审计机构和审计人员一个无法回避的问题。

    How to avoid internal auditing risk is an incapable to avoid problem to internal auditing organizations and personnel .

  3. 本文以ZZ大学内部审计风险为研究对象,首先,作为理论借鉴,介绍了内部审计的定义及其产生和发展的一般理论,阐述了审计风险的含义、特征、内容和分类。

    Firstly , as a reference , it introduces the definition of internal audit and the general theories of its origin and development , discusses the meaning , features , contents and categories of audit risks .

  4. 高校内部审计风险解析

    Analysis of the risk of internal audit in colleges and universities

  5. 我国央行内部审计风险管理策略

    Strategy on the Management of the Central Bank 's Internal Audit

  6. 浅析内部审计风险及其防范

    Analysis of causes of and precautionary measures internal audit risk

  7. 股份制改造后商业银行内部审计风险及防范探讨

    On the Auditing Risk and Precaution in Business Bank after Stock Reform

  8. 高校内部审计风险原因及对策研究

    Study on interior audit risk of higher learning and countermeasures

  9. 企业内部审计风险产生的原因与防范

    On the Causes and Precautions of the Internal Audit Risk of Enterprises

  10. 新经济环境下内部审计风险形成的主客观因素及防范

    Risk and Defense of a Internal Audit under a New Economical Environment

  11. 论高校内部审计风险的防范与控制

    Risk Prevention and Control in Colleges ' Internal Audit

  12. 试论内部审计风险及防范

    On Risk and Protection of Internal Audit

  13. 浅析企业内部审计风险及其控制对策

    Internal Audit Risk Analysis and Control Measures

  14. 高校内部审计风险及控制

    Audit Risk and Control of College

  15. 然后,文章针对高校内部审计风险提出了防范和控制的一些具体的策略和措施。

    Then , concrete strategies and measures to ward off and control the risks have been proposed .

  16. 为此从高校内部审计风险产生的原因入手,提出了相应防范和控制风险的措施。

    This paper addresses the causes of such risks and then proposes some measures to their prevention and control .

  17. 本文分析了当前内部审计风险产生的原因,并从各种审计风险产生的原因出发提出了相应的防范和控制措施。

    This paper analyses the cause that the audit risk occurs and sets out to have put forward corresponding guard and the control measure .

  18. 其主要目的,通过对单位内部审计风险系统的探讨,改进单位内部审计工作,规避单位内部审计风险,提高单位内部审计工作的效率和质量。

    The main purpose of this article is to improve the internal audit work and promote its efficiency and quality in unit through probing into the risk system of internal audit in unit .

  19. 第三部分,阐述内部审计风险的控制策略,包括风险回避和风险转移策略,重点针对高校内部审计风险产生的原因提出了具体的降低风险的措施。

    Part three , the author elaborates on the control methods of internal audit risk , including the evasion and transfer of risk , and brings forward relevant countermeasures to reduce internal audit risk in college .

  20. 为基层供电企业转变思想认识,有效控制内部审计风险提供参考。

    And in accordance with the status of internal audit in JZ power supply company , the paper also provid risk control methods to provide reference of effective control of the risk and change our thinking and understanding of business .

  21. 针对央行内部审计风险日益加剧的情况,必须采取有效措施,综合运用各种内部审计风险控制手段和方法,对央行内部审计风险实行全过程、全方位控制。

    As the risks involved in the Central Bank 's internal audit are becoming more and more serious , we must take effective measures and apply all the tools and methods available synthetically to control the Central Bank 's internal audit as a whole .

  22. 最后,对内部审计职业风险的成因进行了分析。

    Finally , I analyze the causes of internal audit profession risk .

  23. 内部审计参与风险管理相关问题研究

    Study on the Related Question of Internal Audit Involving in Risk Management

  24. 第三部分:内部审计职业风险的控制措施。

    Safeguards to control professional risk of internal audit .

  25. 第二部分:我国内部审计职业风险问题分析。

    Analysis of internal audit profession risk in China .

  26. 第一部分:内部审计职业风险的概述。

    The summary of internal audit profession risk .

  27. 内部审计职业风险分析

    Analysis of Internal Audit Profession Risk

  28. 与此同时,理论界对内部审计以及风险管理的研究也是方兴未艾。

    Meanwhile , internal audit profession just booms the study on internal audit and risk management .

  29. 有价值的信息可能包括贷款和交易记录,以及内部审计和风险管理报告。

    Valuable information might include records of loans and trades and internal audit and risk management reports .

  30. 笔者从职业风险的定义出发,在理论上定义了内部审计职业风险,并对其进行了分类。

    Beginning with the definition of professional risk , I define the professional risk of internal audit in theory , then analyses its classification .