
  • 网络Internal control evaluation;internal control assessment
  1. DP公司长春分公司内部控制评价体系构建研究

    The Study on Creating Internal Control Assessment System of DP Co. Changchun Branch

  2. 内部控制评价作为企业内部控制的重要组成部分,目前已得到理论界和实务界的广泛关注。

    The internal control assessment is one of the most important factors in firms internal control , which has been paid more and more attention presently .

  3. 基于COSO模式的国有商业银行内部控制评价模型研究

    On Evaluating Model of Internal Control of State-owned Commercial Bank based on COSO Theory

  4. EDP环境下企业内部控制评价探析

    Evaluation of Enterprise Internal Control under EDP Environment

  5. CSA作为一种新兴的内部控制评价方法广受青睐,在许多国家得到运用,我国许多企业也运用了这一方法对其内部控制进行评价。

    As a kind of new internal control evaluation method , CSA is welcomed and put into practice in many countries , including China .

  6. 最后,运用实证研究,以建立的内部控制评价指标体系分析XX公司内部控制情况,发现问题,提供解决措施。

    Finally , the use of empirical research to establish the evaluation index system of internal control internal , control XX case , identify problems and provide solutions .

  7. 控制自我评价(CSA)方法的出现丰富了内部控制评价方法的内容,体现了全员评价、全员控制这样一种全新的内部控制评价思想,对完善内部控制评价体系,强化公司治理有着积极意义。

    The emergency of control self-assessment has enriched methods of internal control evaluation and it reflects a new thinking of the internal control evaluation-Full evaluation , Full control . This idea has positive significance for improving the system of internal control evaluation and strengthening corporate governance .

  8. 我国开展财务报告内部控制评价探析

    Analysis of Evaluation of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in China

  9. 我国商业银行内部控制评价体系研究

    Study on Internal Control Evaluation System of Commercial Bank in China

  10. 这三种评价方式构成内部控制评价系统。

    These three styles consist of appraisal system of internal control .

  11. 最后,提出进一步改进企业内部控制评价的建议。

    Finally , puts forward further proposals to improve internal control .

  12. 第三章,企业内部控制评价体系的构建。

    The third section is the enterprise internal appraisal system .

  13. 吉林联通公司经营收入内部控制评价体系的构建

    Establishment Evaluation System of Operation Revenue Internal Control of Jilin Telecommunications Corporation

  14. 商业银行内部控制评价综合模型的构建

    The Constitution of Comprehensive Model on Internal Control Evaluation of Commercial Banks

  15. 内部控制评价问题的研究

    Research on Assessment Problem of the Internal Control System

  16. 其次分析了农业上市公司内部控制评价与报告程序和方法。

    Then it expounds evaluating and reporting procedure and methods of internal control .

  17. 同时,对我国关于企业内部控制评价与报告的要求进行简要阐述。

    It also briefly expounds chinese evaluating and reporting pattern of internal control .

  18. 风险导向内部控制评价模式研究

    Risk - oriented Model of Internal Controlling Evaluation

  19. 企业内部控制评价问题的研究在我国是一个方兴未艾的课题。

    Research on Evaluation of internal control for companies in China is an emerging subject .

  20. 基于管理熵的企业内部控制评价研究

    On the Evaluation of Internal Control Systems Based on the Theory of the Management Entropy

  21. 内部控制评价的比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis on Internal Control Evaluation

  22. 在此基础上,把商业银行内部控制评价指标分为定性指标和定量指标两个层次,分别进行了评价;

    On the basis of the analysis , the valuation indexes are divided into two levels .

  23. 此外,本文又着重中分析了目前我国的财务报告内部控制评价在理论和实务两个方面的建设情况。

    In addition , the article analyses the situation of internal control evaluation in our country .

  24. 第二部分论述了内部控制评价的基本理论与相关文献综述。

    The second part discusses the basic theory of the internal control evaluation and literature review .

  25. 内部控制评价引导企业提高自我控制以及有效配置社会经济资源。

    Assessing internal control leads enterprises to improve self-control and to utilize social economic resources effectively .

  26. 内部控制评价的发展源于内部控制理论和实践的不断进步。

    Development of internal control evaluation derive from gradual progress of internal control theory and practice .

  27. 我国上市公司内部控制评价与报告体系的构建

    Study on Constructing the Framework of Evaluation and Reporting in Internal Control System of Listed Companies

  28. 日本注册会计师协会也于2007年颁布了内部控制评价与审计准则。

    Institute of Chartered Accountants of Japan also issued internal control evaluation and auditing standards in 2007 .

  29. 并分别介绍了美国理论界和实务界在财务报告内部控制评价建设中所取得的成果。

    Then the article also introduces the success of the internal control evaluation over financial statements in American .

  30. 主要研究内部控制评价的目的、范围,以及风险评价的方法。

    It maimed discusses the purpose and scope of internal control evaluation , and the methods to assess risk .