
  • 网络group polarization
  1. 找出影响因素对群体极化的影响关系。

    The relationship is identified these factors and group polarization .

  2. 网络群体极化事件是一种特殊的互联网事件,是群体极化以互联网为媒介产生的新结合体。

    Internet group polarization event is a special kind of Internet events , which produces a new combination of group polarization on Internet .

  3. 网络的群体极化现象表现为网上相互争论异常激烈,并出现观点立场严重分化的极端行为。

    The group polarization of the internet shows an unusually fierce online mutual debate , and the seriously divided extreme behavior of the views .

  4. 政治参与的过程中普遍伴随着群体极化现象,并且其对政治参与有着不可忽视的影响。

    The process of political participation in general accompanied by the phenomenon of group polarization , and their political participation would have a negligible impact .

  5. 以期为政府更好地引导网民理性思维、减少群体极化、增强政府公信力提供对策建议。

    Hope to provide effective countermeasures for government to guide netizens rational thinking , reduce the group polarization , and enhance the credibility of the government .

  6. 网络媒介出现前,群体极化现象还只是社会学及社会心理学的研究范畴,并未引入到新闻传播学领域。

    Before the emergence of internet media , study of group polarization was confined to sociology and social psychology , and was not introduced to the field of journalism and communication .

  7. 网上群体极化事件是互联网上一种特殊的事件,以网络为传播媒介把群体极化现象展现出来。目前,我国的网上群体极化事件处于数量不断增长的频发阶段。

    The online group polarization incident is a special event on the internet which is widely transmitted by the internet . At present , such incidents trend to increase and the frequency performances active .

  8. 本文从社会学、传播学等理论出发,剖析了网上群体极化事件的发展,提出了预防和处理网上群体极化事件的策略。

    This article , from the theory of sociology and communication studies , analyzes the development of the online group polarization events , proposes the strategies to prevent and handle the online group polarization events .

  9. 而政治参与中的群体极化现象在主体、客体、方式、效能等方面又有着其自身的特点,学界尚未进行过系统的研究,需要进一步讨论和总结。

    Groups involved in the political polarization in the subject , object , method , performance , etc. but also has its own characteristics , scholars have not been systematically studied for further discussion and summary .

  10. 发现了网络个体性事件群体极化行为发生的四个结构性要素:网络载体、事件主体、事件特征、媒体及政府等公共权力机关的参与。

    And has discovered four constitutive essential factors which the network individual event of community polarization behavior occurs : network carrier , event main body , event characteristic , media and the participation of government and other public Organs of power .

  11. 第二章在论述非理性和非理性表达的基础上着重分析和归纳网络论坛中非理性表达的表现形式,即情绪宣泄、群体极化、言语暴力、谣言四起和的碎片化的信息。

    In the second chapter , based on discussion on irrationality and irrational expressions , the author focuses on analysis and resume on the forms of irrational expressions : catharsis , group polarization , verbal abuse , rumors , and the fragmentation of information .

  12. 仿真结果描述了群体决策过程中的极化现象以及专家对决策过程的影响,验证了专家参与讨论会促进群体极化现象,加速群体决策的收敛过程。

    The result of this paper shows the group polarization and the effect of expert in group decision making , and validates that the expert will accelerate the group polarization and convergence process of group decision making .