
  • 网络enterprise boundary;boundary;boundaries of the firm
  1. 当需要应用程序到应用程序(application-to-application)的安全性而不只是企业边界上网络节点之间的Internet安全性时,用户应该考虑Web服务安全性(WS-Security)。

    Users should consider WS-Security when application-to-application security is required , and not just security over the Internet between network nodes at the enterprise boundary .

  2. 统一市场的消失和企业边界的调整

    The Disappearance of Homogeneous Market and the Adjustment to the Enterprise Boundary

  3. API是一种业务服务,为跨企业边界的交互提供了一个托管接口。

    APIs are business services providing a managed interface for interaction across the corporate boundary .

  4. 之后,网格将会跨越企业边界支持企业之间的协作,并最终将全面支持公用计算(Utilitycomputing)服务。

    And then , Grid will cross the boundary of the enterprises and support the cooperation between the enterprises . Finally , it will completely support the Utility Computing service .

  5. 它可以与其他机制一起使用或者单独使用,实际上,SOAP和HTTP构成了通用的交互模型,并且可以连接企业边界内外的异类系统。

    Used together or separately , the fact is that SOAP and HTTP form a universal interaction model and can connect heterogeneous systems across and within enterprise boundaries .

  6. 从更加技术性的角度看,SCA(通过公共接口定义)定义了围绕业务组件的框架,并使组件能够越过企业边界彼此通信。

    From a more technical point of view , SCA defines the frame around business components ( via a common interface definition ) and enables them to communicate with each other over corporate boundaries .

  7. 在动态复杂环境下,旅游业战略管理与SWOT分析也在随着经济全球化、技术的交叉渗透、知识要素地位的上升、产业界限与企业边界的模糊性等因素而不断的进化演变。

    Under the dynamic state and complicated environment , the tourism strategy management and SWOT analysis are also keep evolution with the globalization of economy , crossing to permeate along the technology , ascending of knowledge essential position and illegibility of the bourn of industry and boundary of corporation .

  8. 用户基础、网络分享与企业边界决定

    Users ' Base , Network Sharing and the Boundaries of Firms

  9. 企业边界价值源泉与纵向合作网络

    The Value Sources from Boundaries between Enterprises and Vertical Cooperative Network

  10. 企业边界的重构:兼并与分拆

    The Reconstruction of the Firm 's Boundary : Merger and Spin-off

  11. 网络时代的企业边界

    Boundaries of Enterprises in a Time of Internet ENTERPRISE Business Data

  12. 企业边界是现代企业理论研究的重点问题之一。

    Firm boundaries is one of the key issues of modern theories .

  13. 企业边界的界定&能力、知识和生产经营的分析

    The Firm Boundary Research on Ability , Knowledge and Management

  14. 再论企业边界&从外包的角度

    Discussion about the Boundary of Corporation : from the Angle of Outsourcing

  15. 有限外部化:技术进步对企业边界的影响

    Finite Externalization : Analysis of Technological Change 's Effect on Firm Boundaries

  16. 模块化时代企业边界变动研究

    Study on Changes of Firm 's Boundary in the Age of Modularity

  17. 运用企业边界理论研究公司的经营范围;

    This part uses Enterprise Boundary Theory to research corporate business Scope .

  18. 第四章在企业边界文献综述的基础上,结合对无边界企业的经济学分析,提出无边界企业的理论依据。

    Chapter 4 put forward the theories basis of the no-boundary firm .

  19. 企业边界扩张的维度及有关影响因素分析

    Analysis on Firm Size Expanding Dimensions and Their Influencing Factors

  20. 基于弹塑性力学的企业边界变形与跨组织团队管理

    Deformation of Company Boundary and Cross-Organizational Team Management Based on Elastic-Plastic Mechanics

  21. 科斯的企业边界和规模理论再思考

    Thought on Coase ′ s Theory about the Boundary and Scale of Firms

  22. 基于知识视角的企业边界问题研究

    Research on Knowledge - based The Boundary of Firms

  23. 企业边界:一个政治经济学的分析&企业规模的影响因素及其表现形式

    Firm Boundary : A Political-economic Analysis & Determinants and Manifestations of Firm Size

  24. 企业边界理论及规模研究

    Research on the Enterprise 's Border Theory and Scale

  25. 企业边界理论及对战略联盟的解释

    Boundary Theory of Firm and Application to Strategic Alliance

  26. 企业边界的渗透与模糊

    Research on the Permeance and Blur of Organizational Boundaries

  27. 它利用互联网跨越企业边界来共享数据。

    It is about using the Internet to share data across company boundaries .

  28. 模块化视角下企业边界动态演进分析

    Analysis of Dynamic Boundary of Firm based on Modularization

  29. 论企业边界的模糊化趋势

    An Analysis on the Development Trend of Enterprise Boundary

  30. 企业边界的界定一直是一个值得讨论的问题。

    The definition of enterprise boundary is always an issue worthy of discussion .