
  • 网络brand;enterprise brand;CORPORATE BRAND
  1. 现代商业展示是企业品牌形象推广的重要手段,企业品牌形象是商业展示的重要内容。

    Modern commercial display is an important way of promoting brand image , Brand image is an important aspect of business exhibition .

  2. WTO之后中国企业品牌全球化营销研究

    Study on Chinese Enterprise Brand Globalization Marketing after Entering into WTO

  3. 电磁兼容(EMC)技术在电子电气产品设计研发中起着重要作用,它有助于改进产品质量,提高企业品牌和产品知名度,使中国产品成功打入国际市场。

    EMC technology plays an important role in electronic and electrical products .

  4. 再次,在分析温州服装企业品牌发展阶段和品牌运作模式的基础上,对温州服装企业的品牌竞争进行SWOT分析。

    Moreover , this study carries SWOT analysis on the brand competition of Wenzhou clothing enterprises on the basis of analyzing the brand developing stage and brand operation mode of the Wenzhou clothing enterprises .

  5. 同时,对营销渠道的控制、管理与维护进行了理论结合实际的分析和研究,并就营销渠道战略与企业品牌战略、CI战略及广告与促销之间的关系进行了探讨。

    At the same time , theoretically and practically analyzed the control , management and maintenance of the channels of distribution , and the relationship between the strategy of channel of distribution , brand , and CI , as well as advertisement and promotion .

  6. 房地产企业品牌竞争力的构建与提升

    How to Build and Strengthen Brand Competence of Real Estate Enterprises

  7. 我国房地产开发企业品牌延伸策略研究

    Research on the Brand Expanding Tactics of Chinese Real Estate Corporations

  8. 北京服装企业品牌发展之路&品牌文化

    Road of Brand Development of Beijing Clothing Enterprises : Brand Culture

  9. 试论中国企业品牌运营误区及管理策略

    Exploration of China enterprise operated-brands zone of error and management strategy

  10. 中国企业品牌管理的问题及其出路

    On Problems of Brand Management of Chinese Enterprises and its Solution

  11. 中外企业品牌管理研究综述

    The Review of Chinese and Foreign Researches on Enterprise Brand Management

  12. 广州市体育用品生产企业品牌培育的研究

    Research on Brand Development of Sport Goods Enterprises of Guangzhou

  13. 论我国企业品牌延伸的实施策略

    Discussion on Operation Tactics for the Brand Extension of China 's Enterprise

  14. 为贵州中烟工业公司的品牌把脉,找出企业品牌建设中存在的问题。

    Find out the problem of developing the brand of this company .

  15. 中国服装企业品牌建设初探

    A Probe to the Brand Building of Chinese Clothing Industry

  16. 它们的成功是因为当时企业品牌和企业理念定位比较准确,这些都是经营成功之道。

    Their success is enterprise concept , it 's operation successful way .

  17. 浅论城市品牌与企业品牌的协同效应

    A Study on the Coordination Effect between City Brand and Enterprise Brand

  18. 江苏白酒企业品牌战略研究

    A Study on Brand Strategy of Jiangsu White Wine Enterprises

  19. 中国服装企业品牌战略探析

    The inquiry about strategy of brand of Chinese clothing enterprise

  20. 我国咨询企业品牌建设策略探究

    Exploration of the Strategy of Brand Construction of Consulting Companies in China

  21. 公益营销:企业品牌助推器

    Commonweal Marketing : Roll Booster of the Enterprise 's Brand

  22. 企业品牌的打造和经营,必须以诚信为其坚实的基础。

    The construction and management of brands must be firmly based on credibility .

  23. 用企业品牌理念发展壮大龙头企业。

    Fourth , use brand to develop leading enterprises .

  24. 价值链理论与企业品牌建设

    The Theory of Value Chain and the Production of Branded Products for Enterprises

  25. 论公共关系视角下的企业品牌塑造

    A Statement about T Brand Construction in the Visual Angle of Public Relations

  26. 企业品牌延伸的理论研究与应用策略

    Theoretical Study and Application Strategies for Enterprise Brand Extension

  27. 论企业品牌意识与品牌定位的互动性

    On the Interaction between Brand consciousness and Brand Identity

  28. 沉重的反思&重庆企业品牌建设误区分析

    Grave Re-thinking & Analysis on Misunderstanding in the Brand Construction of Enterprises in Chongqing

  29. 中国民营食品企业品牌资产的经营与管理(一)品牌资产

    The management of brand assets of the Chinese civil food establishments A. Brand assets

  30. 论中小企业品牌工程的建设

    A Discussion on Construction of " Brand Project " of Intermediate and Small Industries