
  • 网络Weak Brands
  1. 因这三方面是产品感知质量的三维度,所以强强联合能够提升产品感知质量。(二)强势品牌与弱势品牌的联合效果却不理想。

    For this is the three dimension of perceived quality of products , so power-and-power union can enhance the perceived quality of products . ( 2 ) The effect of combining Strong brand with weak brands is not ideal .

  2. 弱势品牌的发展研究

    A Study of the Development of Less Well - Known Brands

  3. 作为市场中弱势品牌的小品牌很容易遭遇困境。

    As a weak brand in the market , it is easy for a small brand to encounter jeopardy .

  4. 无论是耐用品还是非耐用品,场独立型认知风格的消费者倾向于选择弱势品牌消费,而场依存型认知风格的消费者则更倾向于消费强势品牌。

    No matter the products were durable or not , the consumers with field-independent cognitive style were inclined to choose a weak brand , whereas the consumers with the field-dependence cognitive style tend to choose a strong one .

  5. 中国车市的品牌力时代已经到来,面对大品牌占绝对主导的中国汽车市场,目前尚处于弱势的中国自主品牌汽车应该如何应对?

    The ear of brand-name power is coming , facing the famous brand-name automobile dominated in Chinese auto market , we are seeking a way to cope with this situation for China self-developed automobile .