
ruò zhě
  • the weak;underdog;lightweight;cream puff
弱者 [ruò zhě]
  • [lightweight] 体力或智力不够强的人

弱者[ruò zhě]
  1. 他认为自己毕生的使命就是保护弱者不受邪恶势力的欺凌。

    He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak from the evil

  2. 我们不应该取笑弱者。

    We should not make game of the weak .

  3. 恃强欺弱者能让你的日子像活地狱。

    Bullies can make your life hell .

  4. 强者不该欺压弱者。

    The strong should not tyrannize the weak .

  5. 强者支配弱者。

    The stronger man dominates the weaker .

  6. 不害人的人与弱者一次又一次被强者抢先。

    Time and time again the inoffensive and the weak have been walked over by the strong .

  7. 远远超出人们的预料,有很大一部分玩家在游戏中无私地保护那些弱者朋友

    An unexpectedly large fraction of players acted altruistically to protect their weaker friends .

  8. 强者常常支配弱者。

    The strong usually dominate over the weak .

  9. 戒酒(烟)者,是经不起要他放弃某一乐趣的诱惑而屈服的弱者。

    Abstainer : a weak person who yield to the temptation of deny himself a pleasure .

  10. Uber明显是作为一个弱者进入这个市场的,不过CEO特拉维斯o卡拉尼克表示,他很享受这个位置。

    Uber is entering this market as a clear underdog , a position that CEO Travis Kalanick says he relishes .

  11. 其实是,Thrasymachus,is,really,结果也就是,一种弱者,因为被发现,捍卫不公人生而感到羞愧。

    Thrasymachus as it turns out , a kind of girly-man who is ashamed to be seen defending the unjust life .

  12. 结果表明:本组患者无BOO和轻度BOO者为29.1%,逼尿肌收缩强度很弱者为7.5%,不适合前列腺手术者为36.6%;

    Patients with no or mild BOO and very weak detrusor strength consisted 29.1 % and 7.5 % respectively , and prostatectomy was not indicated in 36.6 % .

  13. 但我不会永远当弱者的!

    But I won 't always be on the receiving end !

  14. 否则将成为生活的弱者,时代的淘汰者!

    Otherwise will become the life weak one , time elimination !

  15. 只有铲除了弱者,强者才能取得胜利。

    The strong can only triumph if the weak are exterminated .

  16. 同情弱者,怜悯女性;

    Second , sympathy for the weak , compassion for female .

  17. 真正的强者应该保护弱者。

    The ones that are truly strong must protect the weak !

  18. 强者生存;弱者灭亡。

    The strong survived , the weak went to the ground .

  19. 弱者等待机会,强者创造机会。

    Weak men wait for opportunities ; strong men make them .

  20. 弱者将被淘汰,而强者将更加强大。

    Weak players will disappear , and stronger companies emerge stronger .

  21. 优先权作为一项古老的特权,是为了保护弱者利益而生的。

    Priority is an ancient privilege born to protect the unprivileged .

  22. 一些海鸥总是准备去帮助弱者。

    Some seagulls are ready to help the @ disabled @ .

  23. 越来越多的强者通过伤害弱者来取乐。

    More and more strong hurt the weak for mere amusement .

  24. 害怕做弱者,害怕犯错。

    Fear of being weak , of making a mistake .

  25. 你们就会欺负弱者,不是吗?

    You 're a fine bunch of buiiies , aren 't you ?

  26. 可是政治对弱者并没有加以限制。

    But there was nothing political in the elimination of the weak .

  27. 扶助弱者:现代法律的价值追求

    Assisting The Weak : In Pursuit of the Value of Modern Law

  28. 恨是弱者的愤怒。

    Hate , it be the anger of the weak .

  29. 这样欺负人合适吗?强者不应欺负弱者。

    People who are strong should not bully those who are weak .

  30. 弱者自弱,同他喝不喝酒没关系。

    A weak boxer is weak , whether he drinks or not .