
  • 网络Le Havre
  1. 勒阿弗尔有权对Fifa的裁决提起上诉。

    Le Havre have the right to appeal FIFA 's decision .

  2. 法国勒阿弗尔大学(lehavreuniversity)6月10日发布的这份报告认为,等到该法案在2012年生效实施,将“削弱国际贸易活力,进而降低世界经济增长速度”。

    The report by the University of Le Havre , to be published on he 10 June , finds that the implementation of the law in 2012 would " slow down international trade dynamics and consequently world growth " .

  3. 尽管自19世纪晚期法国勒阿弗尔(LeHavre)港咖啡和棉花市场建立以来,结算所就已接近其现代形式,但它们本身很少进入新闻报道。

    Although they have existed in close to their present form since the coffee and cotton markets of the French port of Le Havre in the late 19th century , clearing houses have rarely made news .

  4. 你不是碰巧到勒阿弗尔来的。

    You didn 't come to Le Havre by chance .

  5. 我们已经飞往勒阿弗尔。

    We 've since been flown to Le Havre .

  6. 我在勒阿弗尔战俘遣返营的红十字会写信。

    I 'm writing from a Red Cross Club in the Le Havre P.O.W. Repatriation Camp .

  7. 他们帮她联系到了勒阿弗尔的一所大学,那里有一个有机高分子化学系。

    They put her in touch with the department of organic and macromolecular chemistry at the University of Le Havre .

  8. 勒阿弗尔坐落于诺曼底,是一个对文化尤其是法国文化很重要的地区。

    Le havre is situated in the Normandie , r é gion very important in the culture and the French culture .

  9. 由100个集装箱改建而成学生宿舍日前在法国勒阿弗尔市对大学生开放。

    With 100 shipping containers as original materials , the newly-built student complex opened to college students in the city of Le Havre , France , recently .

  10. 勒阿弗尔市是法国第二大最繁忙的港口城市,每年淘汰掉的集装箱成百上千,此举对于集装箱重置大有意义。

    Home to the second busiest port in France , it makes perfect sense for the city to reuse the hundreds of shipping containers that are retired every year .

  11. 到了南部,一阵狂喜油然而生,布拉克写道。他童年成长于英吉利海峡边的法国港市勒阿弗尔。

    It was in the South that I felt my rapture rise in me , wrote Braque , who grew up in Le Havre , on the English Channel .

  12. 勒阿弗尔距离其他主要城市也很近。比如首都巴黎也仅有两个小时的火车车程,同时里鲁昂也很近。

    Le Havre is also very close from the major cities , first of all , from the capital Paris-2 hours away in train-and as well very close to Rouen .

  13. 勒阿弗尔校区的欧亚关系项目提供本科教育,其中历史,经济,政治学,社会学和法律是必修科目。

    The Europe and Asia program of le havre campus proposes teaching based on the bachelor syllabus with compulsory courses of history , economics , political science , sociology and law .

  14. 可第二天早上他们继续前往勒阿弗尔时,这些“德行的代表”却疏远羊脂球,只尖酸刻薄地瞥了一眼这位年轻女子。

    However , as they continue on their way to Le Havre the next morning , these " representatives of virtue " ignore Boule de Suif and glance scathingly at the young woman .

  15. 通过几年的反复推敲,她不断在试验和改进她的想法,阿帕拉特吉曾经联系过西北部的勒阿弗尔大学。勒阿弗尔大学开发出了一种可以复制人类气味的技术。

    After years of knocking on doors to try and develop her idea , Apalategui was put in touch with the northwestern Havre University which has developed a technique to reproduce the human smell .