
  • 网络lemans;le man
  1. 德雷森勋爵目前正关注于上月在佛罗里达开赛的美国勒芒(lemans)系列赛。

    Lord Drayson now has his sights on the American Le Mans series , which started in Florida this month .

  2. 20世纪60年代,谢尔比曾在勒芒大胜法拉利(Ferrari);然而此后,他们再也没有赢得过超级拉力赛。

    Shelby felled Ferrari in the ' 60s at Le Mans ; they have not won the grand endurance race since .

  3. 这是一辆在街道上也可以行驶的赛车,Leblanc公司的Mirabeau号称好到可以上勒芒赛道一试身手。

    A Street-legal race car , the Mirabeau from Leblanc is claimed to be good enough to race even in Le Mans .

  4. 这演出场所的新一代美洲勒芒网格计算位移班顶尖的road-legal生产跑车与自然吸气发动机。

    This performance places the new-generation GT3 in its displacement class at the pinnacle of road-legal production sports cars with naturally aspirated engines .

  5. 热心的观众从世界各地涌到勒芒市观看一年一度的汽车比赛。

    Enthusiasts from around the world converge on Le Mans for the annual car race .

  6. 在简称美洲勒芒网格计算代表纯洁、纯粹驾驶乐趣。

    In the911 model range , the abbreviation GT3 stands for pure , unadulterated driving pleasure .

  7. 一年之后又参加了勒芒环行车赛,这些活动都创下了吉尼斯世界纪录。

    All of this has already earned the robot a place in the Guinness World Records book .

  8. 之后,他在另一项赛事中获得了成功,1999年和宝马一起登顶勒芒。

    Later , he would prove successful in other forms of racing , even winning Le Mans with BMW in1999 .

  9. 显然,只有那些有车辆,在原勒芒比赛现在可以竞争,它这方面的经典赛事。

    Apparently only those cars which had competed in the original Le Mans can now compete it this classic event .

  10. 防暴警察连夜解除了多杰斯、拉罗谢尔和勒芒三处燃料仓库外的封锁。

    Overnight , riot police lifted the blockade at three fuel depots , in Donges , La Rochelle and Le Mans .

  11. 这辆车最高时速可达每小时320公里,而且届时举行的勒芒24小时耐力赛上将会出现它的身影。

    This car can reach 320 kilometers per hour and is set to be entered in the Le Mans 24-hour race .

  12. 他们也被称为原型车,但不应该与原型赛车,例如勒芒原型混淆。

    They are also known as prototype cars , but should not be confused with prototype race cars such as the Le Mans Prototype .

  13. 直到我20岁时,才加入了一支名叫勒芒的俱乐部,而当时这也仅仅是一支参加法乙联赛的球会。

    I had to wait until I was20 to join a club and even then they were a second division team called Le Mans .

  14. 新的为美洲勒芒网格计算是一个变速球的展示,其中灯的转速计算器之前不久,有关发动机转速就达到了。

    New for the GT3 is a change-up display , which lights up on the rev counter shortly before the relevant engine speed is reached .

  15. 杨格车队是一支由德国人管理的丹麦车队,这是他们第一次参加勒芒赛道的竞逐。

    Young Driver , a Danish-backed team run by the German Fischer squad , takes in Le Mans in its first year in the big time .

  16. 在勒芒的圣朱利安大教堂里,每一串拱梁都有三个拱形,从上面看起来,它们就连接起来形成字母Y的形状。

    At the Cathedral of Saint-Julien in Le Mans , buttresses came in clusters of three , interlocked in a Y shape when seen from above .

  17. 在参加了今年的美国勒芒系列赛后,他希望明年参加欧洲系列赛以及勒芒24小时耐力赛。

    After completing the American Le Mans this year , he hopes to do the European series next year as well as the Le Mans 24-hour race .