
  • 网络philip ii;Phillip II;Felipe II
  1. 依照Wikipedia,它实际上是创造此表达的马其顿王国菲利普二世(382-336BC)。

    According to Wikipedia , it was actually Philip II of Macedonia ( 382-336 BC ) who coined this expression .

  2. 四轮大马车最远起源于17世纪,菲利普二世最先乘着它来往于马德里和里斯本。

    The oldest coach dates back to 1600 , originally used by King Philip II to shuttle between Madrid and Lisbon .

  3. 16世纪,查里斯五世和菲利普二世的统治时期,西班牙成为欧洲最富强的国家。

    During the 16th century , under the reigns of Charles V and Philip II , Spain became the most powerful nation in Europe .