
  • 网络Chinese Filipino;Filipino people of Chinese descent
  1. 作为一个菲律宾华人我感到很骄傲。

    I am immensely proud of my heritage as a Filipino-Chinese .

  2. 关于积极开拓菲律宾华人社团回国旅游市场的探讨

    Active in Developing the Tourism Market of Philippine-Chinese Mass organizations to China

  3. 论煤炭产业结构调整与重组菲律宾华人企业集团的重组与调整

    Restructuring and Adjustment of the Ethnic Chinese Business Groups in the Philippines

  4. 菲律宾华人社会组织的建构及其功能

    Social Organizations of Chinese in Philippines and Their Functions

  5. 全球化时代的菲律宾华人经济探析

    An Analysis of the Economy of the Philippine Chinese at the Times of Globalization

  6. 我还想利用这一机会,感谢菲律宾华人为两国关系发展所作的贡献。

    This is also an opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of the Filipino-Chinese to the thriving bilateral relationship .

  7. 菲律宾华人经济在菲律宾占有重要份额,在历史上曾经起了重要作用。

    The economy of the Philippine Chinese , which once played a significant role in Philippine history , is an important part of the Philippines .

  8. 菲律宾华人社会认为提高华文教师工资待遇,可相应提高华文教师素质的经验性看法是正确、合理的;

    It is believed that if the Chinese Community intends to increase Chinese teachers ' payment , it will correspondingly improve teachers ' teaching quality ;

  9. 在充分考虑这一代菲律宾华人的需求前提下,他们对菲华文化遗产保存的重要性有所认识。

    That is , by considering the needs of the present generation of Chinese-Filipinos and to keep in mind the importance of preserving the Chinese-Filipino cultural heritage .

  10. 菲律宾华人社会组织不能离开菲律宾社会,因菲律宾华人社会组织的建立和发展不能不受到菲律宾社会的制约。

    Social organizations of Chinese in the Philippines can not exit without the Philippines society , and the establishment and development of the organizations are restricted by the Philippines society .

  11. 本文从国家认同、民族认同、政治参与、经济参与、社会文化参与等各方面考察菲律宾华人与当地民族的关系。

    The paper studies the relations between Philippine ethnic Chinese and the local race from national identity , race identity , political participation , economical participation , social and cultural participation .

  12. 东南亚金融危机爆发之后,菲律宾华人企业集团为摆脱金融危机的打击和影响,加快了经营结构调整和资本重组的步伐。

    Since the outbreak of financial crises in Southeast Asia , the ethnic Chinese business groups in the Philippines have accelerated the pace of restructuring and recapitalization in order to extricate themselves from the shocks and impacts of financial crises .

  13. 此外,菲律宾华人社会是中华民族向海外发展形成的,菲律宾华人的社会组织与中国文化特别是东南沿海的闽粤文化有着密切的联系。

    The society of Chinese in the Philippines has been formed the development of the Chinese nation overseas , and the organizations closely connect to Chinese cultures , especially the folk cultures in Fujian and Guangdong Provinces along the southeast coast .

  14. 全球化时代的到来使菲律宾华人经济遭受到空前的挑战,菲律宾华人已经采取了一些行动并取得了成效,在未来的竞争中华人如果能充分利用自身的优势,前景是乐观的。

    The paper points out that with the advent of globalization , the economy of the Philippine Chinese has been greatly challenged , and that the Philippine Chinese have adopted effective countermeasures and will see a promising future if they are able to make a good use of their advantages .

  15. 我的祖母是到菲律宾定居的华人。

    My grandmother is a Chinese who settled and lived in the Philippines .

  16. 菲律宾的华侨华人研究现状及其思考

    Overseas and Ethnic Chinese Studies in the Philippines : An Overview and Some Considerations

  17. 销售市场主要针对星马、泰国和菲律宾的闽南华人族群。

    Rather , the market was targeted at the Hokkien ethnic communities of Southeast Asia , including those of Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand , and the Philippines .

  18. 菲律宾不是海外华人最多的国家,但是菲律宾的华人凝聚力很强,华人移民抵菲已有逾千年历史,在菲律宾工商经济中占据举足轻重的地位。

    Philippines is not the country with the most overseas Chinese in population , however the overseas Chinese in Philippines share a strong cohesion . Chinese immigrants have arrived in Philippines for several thousands years , who have played pivotal roles in Philippines ' commerce , industry and economy .