
nǚ quán yùn dònɡ
  • feminism;feminist movement;women's liberation movement
  1. 90年代,由媒体主导的反对声浪犹存,同时期也出现了被称为“RiotGrrrls”的争取女权运动的新思潮,这是自朋克运动孕育而生的。

    The nineties saw some of this media-driven backlash , as well as the appearance of a new strain of youth feminism , " Riot Grrrls , " who emerged from the punk movement .

  2. 博尼诺和美国达特茅斯学院(dartmouthcollege)比较文学主任格拉齐耶拉帕拉蒂(graziellaparati)表示,意大利女权运动曾非常有影响,但现在不是了。

    Italian feminism , say Bonino and Graziella PARATI , head of comparative literature at Dartmouth College in the US , used to be strong , but not any more .

  3. 他论文的第一段介绍了女权运动的历史。

    The first paragraph of his paper was about the history of the feminist movement .

  4. 她支持女权运动。

    She followed the feminist movement .

  5. 然而,不是每个人都能hold住这个妆容:一个女权运动呼吁停止这种装扮。

    Yet , not everyone got down with makeup : A feminist movement called for the end of makeup use altogether .

  6. X协会倡导用法律手段保护怀孕期间的妇女,这种荒谬的想法被后来的女权运动取代。

    X League proposed legal act to protect women rights during maternity which was paradoxical in terms of feminist movement taking place later .

  7. 对一些人来说,这种想法听起来像讽刺小报《洋葱》(TheOnion)会使用的标题:“男人最终接管了陷入困境的女权运动”。

    To some the idea will sound reminiscent of a headline in satirical publication The Onion : " Man Finally Put In Charge of Struggling Feminist Movement . "

  8. 英语中的性别歧视及女权运动对其影响

    Sexism in English and effects made by women 's rights movements

  9. 国家发展、认同政治和女权运动概念会议

    Conference on National Development , Identity Politics and Concepts of Feminism

  10. 她将永远和女权运动联系在一起。

    She will ever be associated with the women 's lib .

  11. 英汉传统文化中的性别歧视与女权运动

    Sexism in Both English and Chinese Traditional Cultures and Feminist Movement

  12. 女权运动同样也展示一个不一样的想法离我们远了。

    Feminism also changed to show an away of different ideas .

  13. 她写了一本详述女权运动历史的书。

    She has written a book which surveys the history offeminism .

  14. 性别歧视女权运动语言改造

    Sex discrimination , Women 's Rights Movement and Language Reconstruction

  15. 18世纪法国女权运动的兴起

    The Rising of Women 's Rights Movement of Eighteenth Century in France

  16. 其他的女权运动者并不反对我们发挥领导作用。

    Other feminists won 't mind us taking a lead .

  17. 他热烈地拥护女权运动。

    He passionately championed the cause of women 's rights .

  18. 同工同酬是女权运动的一项要点。

    Equal pay for equal work is an important plank of feminism .

  19. 从而为今天女权运动的开展中所遇到的阻碍找出原因。

    We can find the obstacles which we encountered for feminism movement .

  20. 女权运动与民权运动紧密结合。

    Women 's rights movement and civil rights movement are closely combined .

  21. 她毕生致力於女权运动。

    She spent her life campaigning for women 's rights .

  22. 弗莱顿再次唤醒了美国的女权运动。

    Friedan re-awakened the feminist movement in the United States .

  23. 第三章论述美国第二次女权运动的特点及其影响。

    Chapter three analyses characteristics and effects of the movement .

  24. 她们要去巴黎,就住在当地的女权运动同道家里。

    They would go to Paris and stay with feminist sisters there .

  25. 她因鼓吹女权运动而甚为知名。

    She is well known for her____of women 's rights .

  26. 英语中性别歧视现象及女权运动对它的影响

    Sexism Phenomenon in English and Influence of Women 's Liberation Movement on It

  27. 许多妇女参加了女权运动。

    Many women are crusading for their own rights .

  28. 她决定不去理睬那些攻击女权运动的闲言碎语。

    She decided to ignore the petty anti-feminist remarks .

  29. 她们欢迎男性参加到争取女权运动中来。

    They welcome men into the ranks of feminists .

  30. 女权运动是一项十分强烈的运动。

    Women 's liberation is a very strong movement .