
  • 网络women leadership;female leadership
  1. 在中国东北城市大连举行的夏季世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)围绕女性领导力的讨论会上,电线电缆综合企业远东控股集团有限公司(JiangsuFarEastHoldingGroupCo.)董事长蒋锡培显然想传达这样一个信息。

    That was the resounding message from Jiang Xipei , chairman of wire and cable conglomerate Jiangsu Far East Holding Group Co. , speaking on a women 's leadership panel at the summer World Economic Forum in the northeastern city of Dalian .

  2. 第二个方面是女性领导力发展的问题。

    The second area is the issue of leadership development for women .

  3. 真相:一个针对领导行为的360度反馈调查显示,人们对男性领导力和女性领导力的感受大体相似。

    Reality : A 360 feedback survey on leadership behavior shows that men 's and women 's leadership is experienced broadly the same way .

  4. 她撰写的关于女性和领导力的著作《向前一步》(LeanIn)俨然已经成为一代女性的战斗口号,这些雄心勃勃的女性试图平衡养育子女和构筑个人事业之间不断变化的要求。

    Lean in , her book on women and leadership , has become a rallying cry for a generation of ambitious women attempting to balance the constantly shifting demands of parenting and building a career .

  5. 答案是如果我无所畏惧我就要到TED讲台上谈谈女性和领导力我来了,也没有倒下。

    And the answer to what would I do if I wasn 't afraid is I would get on the TED stage , and talk about women , and leadership . And I did , and survived .

  6. 某种程度上,伯克利分校的研究结果在政治舞台上得到了反映,但这个结果仅代表了男性群体(还没有研究发现女性的领导力与体格相关)。

    Berkeley 's results , which are only applicable to men ( no link was found between female leadership and physical strength ) , are in part reflected on the political stage .

  7. 她表示,很多女性表现信心及领导力的方式与男性不同。

    Many women convey confidence and leadership in a different way than men do , she said .

  8. 他们解决过你正面临的问题。教育初创公司Femgineer创始人普尔尼玛o维贾亚申科建议,找一位熟悉你当前处境的人作为导师。Femgineer的宗旨是为女性提供技术与领导力支持。

    They 've solved the problems you 're facing right now.Find someone who understands what you 've gone through , says Poornima Vijayashanker , the founder of Femgineer , an education startup that supports women in tech and leadership .

  9. 她承担了公司若干多元文化项目的领导工作,包括IBM女性技术委员会和女性领导力委员会,是IBM女性领导者委员会的高级主办者之一。

    She is a leader in diversity initiatives including the Women in Technology Council and the Women 's Leadership Council , and is one of the senior sponsors of the Women 's Executive Council at IBM .

  10. 近些年,女性创业在全球范围内日益活跃,女性创业领导力成为创业与领导研究关注的新焦点。

    In recent years , women entrepreneurship has become increasingly active throughout the world , and women entrepreneurial leadership became the new focus of entrepreneurship and leadership research .

  11. 本次论坛的主题为女性在转型发展中的作用,聚集了约300名中外学者、专家共同探讨女性的领导力以及她们在经济、文化和环境方面的角色转变。

    The forum , themed the Role of She in Transformation and Development , gathered about 300 Chinese and foreign scholars and experts to discuss women 's leadership and change of role in economic , cultural and environmental fronts .

  12. 本次论坛的主题为“女性在转型发展中的作用”,聚集了约300名中外学者、专家共同探讨女性的领导力以及她们在经济、文化和环境方面的角色转变。

    The forum , themed " the Role of She in Transformation and Development , " gathered about 300 Chinese and foreign scholars and experts to discuss women 's leadership and change of role in economic , cultural and environmental fronts .