
  1. 这些就构建出宏观的柔性领导理论体系。

    The flexibility to build a macro-theoretical system of leadership .

  2. 柔性领导理论体现的是一种互动的领导方法、创造性的领导职能、滞后性的领导效能、艺术性的领导实践。

    Flexible leadership theory embodies an interactive approach to leadership , creative leadership functions , lag of leadership effectiveness , the leadership of artistic practice .

  3. 从微观上分析,我们知道柔性领导理论是一种领导力的集合,它集合了领导的洞察力与应变力、激发力与凝聚力、影响力与创造力、决断力与执行力。

    From the microscopic analysis , we know that leadership theory is a flexible set of leadership , which brings together leading insight and resilience , strength and cohesion inspire , influence and creativity , decisiveness and execution .

  4. 柔性领导理论也是在传统领导理论的基础上,借助着传统理论的坚固根基成长起来的,它是更适合新时期、新环境下的领导理论。

    Flexible leadership theory in the traditional leadership theory is based on the use of the traditional theory of the strong foundation to grow up , it is more suitable for the new period , under the leadership of the new theory .

  5. 研究了柔性领导的理论体系后,我们的重点还在于如何实践柔性领导,如何让柔性领导在我们领导干部的工作中真正有的放矢。

    Of the theoretical system of flexible leadership , we also focused on how to implement flexible leadership , how to make flexible leadership cadres of our work leading real targeted .

  6. 柔性领导作为一种理论体系它是建立在以人为本的柔性领导理念下,秉持着一种中庸的领导思想,运用非定式的领导思维,在个性魅力的基础上,通权达变的运用领导艺术。

    Flexible leadership as a theoretical system that is built on people-oriented leadership under the concept of flexible , uphold the leadership of a kind of ideological moderation , the use of non-fixed type of leadership thinking , charismatic personality , based on the use of leadership changes his mind .