
  • 网络flexible organization;Flexibility Organization
  1. 柔性组织正逐渐取代传统的等级制而成为21世纪企业组织的主要模式。

    Flexible organization becomes a main mode instead of traditional hierarchy organization .

  2. 柔性组织:21世纪企业组织的主要模式

    Flexible Organization : 21st Century Main Mode of Enterprises

  3. 集体主义文化维系下的柔性组织与模糊契约&浙江民营企业发展的自组织模式揭示

    Pliable Organization and Blurred Contract Under the Influence of Collectivist Culture

  4. 项目化管理理念的柔性组织模型框架研究

    Research on the framework of flexible organization based on the management by project

  5. 项目管理是通过临时性的专门的柔性组织对以项目为对象进行的系统管理方法。

    Project management is through a temporary flexible organization dedicated to a project-object approach to system management .

  6. 该框架首先通过从多维角度展开的柔性组织结构模型对企业组织结构进行建模,在此基础上,对柔性组织结构模型进行语义拓展。

    First , the framework defined the enterprise organization structure with multi-dimension modeling method based on the custom flexible organization structure model .

  7. 本文通过对柔性组织的内涵、特征及作用的深入剖析,提出了实现柔性组织管理的几点思考。

    In this paper , the flexible organization of content , features and the role of in-depth analysis of a flexible organization and management to achieve Reflections .

  8. 同时在提出的柔性组织结构模型基础上对其进行语义拓展,使之能够适应更多的特殊需求。(2)研究了柔性组织结构模型驱动的多视图建模方法。

    Besides , it can adapt to specific needs through adding the semantic information for the flexible organization structure . ( 2 ) The multi-view modeling method driven by flexible organization structure has been researched .

  9. 为了适应新的生存环境,企业管理出现了三种变革态势:从金字塔等级结构向知识网络化的柔性组织转变;由生产型的资本管理向信息型的知识管理转变;

    To adapt to the new environment , the science of business administration features three developments : transformation from pyramid hierarchy into knowledge networked soft organization , productive asset management into knowledge management , and traditional supply chain management into electronic supply chain management .

  10. AGV是自动化物流运输系统、柔性生产组织系统的关键设备,对我国企业传统生产模式改造、增强市场竞争力、提高经济效益具有重要价值。

    AGV is the key equipment of automatic material flow system and flexible manufacturing system .

  11. 人力资源柔性对组织绩效的作用分析。

    The analysis of the effect of HRF on organizational performance .

  12. 如何建立具有一定适应柔性的组织模式来应对快速多变的环境,成为企业最大的难题。

    It become enterprises ' hardest problem that , how to build the flexible organization model to face fast-changing environment .

  13. 管理者应该认识到战略联盟应该在互相信任的基础上成为动态的、柔性的组织系统,充分实现协同效应,达到联盟成员利益共享、长期合作、共同进化的目的。

    The manager should realize that the strategy alliance should be a dynamic , flex - ible system , in order to achieving cooperative effect .

  14. 智能车辆除了在公路交通运输中有广泛的应用外,在生产自动化、制造业、柔性生产组织、危险环境作业、军事等领域也有广阔的研究应用前景。

    Intelligent vehicles can widely be used in not only highway transportation , but production automation , manufacturing , flexible production organization , tasks in dangerous environment and military field as well .

  15. 本文还探讨了战略导向绩效管理系统应该具备的特定的外部支撑体系,包括科学合理的管理制度体系、扁平柔性的组织结构、高效快捷的信息系统和团队协作持续学习的企业文化。

    The exterior support system is researched , which contains the rational management system , the flat and flexible framework , efficient information system , and the enterprise culture of team cooperating and sustaining study .

  16. 在管理实践中,企业可以有意识的培养创新的理念,建立柔性的组织结构,完善管理与监督制度以及推进新的管理方式,来达到预期的效果。

    In practice of management , companies can intentionally foster innovative concept , establish flexible organizational structure , complete the system of management and supervision and promote new management methods to achieve the desired results .

  17. 第三,企业是一个整体,需要战略柔性、组织柔性、技术创新能力、市场/环境感知能力等多种能力的协同发展,才能实现对环境的动态适应。

    Third , enterprise is an integrated system and it needs a synergic development of multiple capabilities , such as strategic flexibility , organization flexibility , technological innovation capability , market / environment perceiving capability , to achieve the dynamic adaption of environment .

  18. 其中,本文主要阐明了最优组织单元的内涵、特征及其功能,然后系统地论述了基于最优组织单元的网络化、柔性化组织的集成及其内部的协调、运作过程。

    Thereinto , this thesis clarifies the connotation 、 character and function of the optimization organization unit , then it makes a systematic exposition in the integration and the inside harmonizing 、 running process of the networked 、 flexible organization integration based on the optimization organization unit .

  19. 要求扁平化、弹性化、动态化和柔性化的组织结构;

    They both ask for flat , flexible , dynamic and mild organization structure ;

  20. 在传统管理中,项目是一个为完成工程任务而设立的一个临时性的、柔性的专门组织。

    In the traditional management , a project is a specialized organization set up temporarily , flexibly .

  21. 无边界组织下,组织的效能标准发生了重大转变,柔性化成为了组织竞争优势的根本保证。

    In the boundaryless organization , the standard of organization efficiency has changed greatly that flexibility became the ultimate guarantee of competition advantage .

  22. 这种形式对食品企业来说,有利于其优化资源配置、降低物流成本、加速商品周转、减少经营风险、提升管理效率、提高运作柔性、精简组织机构、增强质量监督等。

    It will help food enterprises optimize their resources allo cation , decrease logistic cost , accelerate commodity turnover , and so on .

  23. 其次概括了信息数字化、生产柔性化、组织弹性化、管理一体化、经营虚拟化、学习制度化、管理人本化等七大方面的特征。

    Secondly , the essay summarizing 7 features of biz informationization : digital information , flexible manufacture , elastic organization , fictitious operation , systematic learning , talent-based management .

  24. 本文认为文化产业集群是以国际大都市为集聚点,以柔性的生产组织网络为生产模式,并嵌入到突破公司界线的个人关系网络中的集群网络。

    The paper thinks that culture industry takes metropolis as concentration field , and regards the cultural industry cluster as a flexibility producing network which embedded into the social network that breaks the company demarcation line .

  25. 为响应内外部环境变化所造成的冲击,企业在组织架构及人力运用上都要保持适度的柔性以达到组织目的。

    In response to the impact caused by the changes of the internal and external environment , enterprises are required to keep moderate flexibility for their organizational purposes with regard to organizational framework and human resource application .

  26. 柔性化的企业组织结构设计

    Flexible Design of Enterprise Organizational Structure

  27. 组织的柔性主要是指组织成员的柔性、生产系统的柔性、组织结构和制度的柔性及其协同作用的结果。

    Flexibility appears in personnel , manufacturing system , structure and rules , and its synergy in an organization .

  28. 本文通过机器人操控柔性针穿刺柔性组织的运动学建模的理论和实验研究为柔性针穿刺临床手术提供科学依据和理论基础。

    This article provided the scientific and theoretical basis for clinical surgery by studying the theory of the kinematics modeling and experiment of the robot manipulate flexible needle to puncture soft tissue .

  29. 基于大规模定制组织变革的趋势是:以创造和传递个性化的客户价值为导向、以流程为中心的组织变革趋势、柔性化趋势、组织结构的模块化、扁平化变革趋势、网络化变革趋势等等。

    The following is the trend of the organization revolution based on mass customization : creating and delivering the customizing value of customers ; the revolutionary trend of business process ; the trend of flexibility ;

  30. 知识共享是知识管理的重要功能之一,其最终目标是实现组织的柔性化,促使组织适应不断变化的竞争环境的需要。

    Knowledge Share is one of the functions of Knowledge Management , its final 1 goal is to help a organization to face the want of changing competition environments by implementing the flexibility of it .